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Dog-Sign Language

Posted: 04 May 2015, 00:08
by Cee-Jay Aurinko
In Chapter 27, Enzo is in Zoe's room. He "leaves his haunches tall" and his "tail waging", "the universal sign language for fun." What other signs do you remember Enzo doing in the book and why?

Re: Dog-Sign Language

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 15:28
by Alwhitbeck
It's been a few months since I read the book, but I seem to remember there being a lot of body language when Enzo was punished so harshly by Denny. I remember the specific scene better than others and the way Enzo acted because I've seen my clients and parents do something similar when they are having a hard time in life and accidentally taking it out on a pet.

Re: Dog-Sign Language

Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 22:17
by Taylor Razzani
His body language towards Trish, Maxwell and Annika was my favorite. He showed that dogs can pick up on bad vibes and show what they think about you if you're not a nice person!