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Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:12
by Nerea
Oh, wow. I would love to know the struggles average, yet ambitious women had during WWII. Marty's story seems to be promising and relatable. I would love to read the book. Congratulations on being the BOTD.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:18
by Beatus
Looking for sex using power and not persuasion have caused a lot of pain to some women. Yes, some. Others love that in a man. Nice book.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:27
by Oyedeji Okikioluwa
This seems like a great book. The conclusion also give the reader open-mind to determine the outcome. And the report of WW11 is educative too. Nice review.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:27
by Odette Chace
Thanks for a great review. While the story had many promising elements, I found that I didn't enjoy the writing style of the sample. I'm also burnt out on WWII novels and books about women struggling in the workplace.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:35
by Magnify3
It can be quite tough dealing with a boss such as Marty's. I imagine that It was even tougher during the era of the second world war!

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:47
by Alice Festo
Marty is portrayed as a strong lady, ready to earn a title by her works and deeds. She advocates for women rights in a male dominated society. The reality that war can snatch a country of it's young men and that love can blossom even at a time of war and uncertainty. Thanks for the detailed review

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:06
by Alilivbo
Thanks for the review! While you like the least that the author is concluding the book with unanswered questions, that feels intriguing to me... Many times in life, we also came across scenarios that maybe we rather have options...
Having questions might also be good, in a way :)

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:06
by Ngozi Onyibor
Michelle Fred wrote: 21 Feb 2020, 01:06 Marty is such a relatable character. Her wartime struggles are the reality of countless women all over the world even though the war has long ended. Well done on your review.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:10
by Misael Carlos
It is interesting to have a story about a woman's struggle in the workplace dominated by men with the world war as the background. There is an apparent theme of sexual harassment at work between Marty and her boss, a difficult juggling or balancing of work and personal affair. Hmmm... the story of Marty written by the author named Martha. Just thinking! Congrats!

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:16
by Seamstress
In my eyes it seems a bit of ordinary story. Maybe it is because I don't enjoy war setting, no matter how much drammatism it gives life affairs. I am somewhat impressed by main female character, but don't enough to bear details about war. Anyway congratulations with BOTD!

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:24
by edztan15
Having finished a line of fantasy and thriller books, this one looks like a refreshing read for me. Something more grounded in reality and informative. Thanks for the review.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:25
by Seraphia Bunny Sparks
Your review is absolutely well-written and piqued my interest in places. I am an avid reader of historical fiction novels, but it's rare for me to read books that center around war times as much as I used to years ago. I'm currently on the fence about this book so for now, I think that I will put it on my "maybe" shelf and check it out a later time to see if the book piques my interest.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:33
by Pocoyo
I love historical novels and this seems like an interesting read.

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:46
by Nedbrian
This book tells a story of the gender bias that exists during the World War as regards job hunt for the female gender. It also explains the experience most women have in recent times with regards to unrest with a male employee. Worth the read with so many lessons to learn. Congrats on BOTD

Re: Official Review: Love and Sabotage by Martha Tolles

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 16:56
by ronie smith
I like historical stories and this means take a look in the book, good review.