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Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 22:37
by Kristine Mariel Diaz
It is clear that the author is a strong and courageous woman because she was able to write such a touching story, detailing not only the abuse she had to endure as a young child but also the lessons that she learned from this dreadful experience.
I really like the author's bravery for writing this, as it is vital for a significant number people who are victims of abuse in many forms. It will not only support and encourage them, but also help a lot of others who do not continue to live in denial about the abuse they have experienced.
Excellent review, quite thorough and detailed.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 22:39
by Sanju Lali
A child abuse showcasing story can be found in the book "Heather" by Steven A. Yagyagan. The story details the life of Heather, who was a victim of child abuse. This is a good book to read.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 22:48
by Ram Uday Mahajan
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt review of "Tuu Maia Lou Lima Give Me Your Hand." Your empathy for Heather's struggles and admiration for her resilience shine through. Your detailed insights make this recommendation even more impactful. Well expressed!

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 22:49
by Raphael Lucas 1
Every situation is a learning situation. Heather's case is not an exception, all the challenges fortified and made her more stronger despite the odds.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 22:57
by Abi_rami
It is distressing to read books about children who suffered in the hands of their family. Heather's story is not different, she becomes a symbol of many kids like her.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 23:15
by Ajiferuke Ajibola
The human spirit is truly unbreakable. Heather's story is a testament to that. I am glad that she did not become bitter because of the blows life dealt her. Congrats on BOTD. Beautiful review.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 23:17
by MMcB
"Heather" by Steven A. Yagyagan has a lot of tragedy and child abuse within its pages. It also tells the story of Heather who is kind and loving despite all the horrific things that happened to her in her childhood. The book seems to talk about the sins of self or parent as to why bad things happen to some people. It could be that other people making very bad choices are why the bad things happen. Victims are not to be blamed when they are the innocents that have been wronged.
Thank you for writing this insightful review and awarding this story 5 or of 5 stars!

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 23:18
by Sakshi A Soni
Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt review of "Heather: Tuu Maia Lou Lima Give Me Your Hand" by Steven A. Yagyagan. Your words beautifully capture the emotional journey that Heather goes through, and it's evident that the book left a lasting impact on you.

It's touching to see your empathy for Heather and your genuine wish to help her, showcasing the deep connection you formed with the character. Your recognition of Heather's strength and resilience is a testament to the powerful storytelling by the author. The acknowledgment of the short sentences in Samoan, along with their English translations, adds a thoughtful dimension to the narrative.

Your honesty in mentioning the profane words and potential disturbances for some readers demonstrates a fair and balanced review. It's evident that despite minor errors, the overall impact of the book on you was profound, leading to a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars.

Your recommendation for those who have experienced abuse to read this book as a source of learning and inspiration is a valuable insight. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and for highlighting the positive aspects of the story. Your review will undoubtedly guide potential readers in understanding the depth and impact of this remarkable book.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 23:37
by Kibet Hillary
It is not anyone that would really turn out to be kind, forgiving, and loving after going through such a horrible upbringing, especially the cruelty from those close to us. I have added the book to my want-to-read shelf. Many thanks for the review.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 23 Nov 2023, 23:41
by Tommy Mayengbam
According to the review, "Heather: Tuu Maia Lou Lima Give Me Your Hand" seems to be a fictionalized tale reflecting the real-life struggles that many people face, particularly the harsh reality of family abuse.

It's comforting that Heather's siblings took a stand for her.

Undoubtedly, it's a novel with plenty of messages.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 00:11
by Sameena Ansari
The sibling bonds and Samoan phrases at the end of each chapter in Heather by Steven A. Yagyagan lend a unique touch. The profound impact and lessons make this a compelling read. It's a must for those seeking stories of triumph over adversity.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 00:12
by Shanesha Sammerson
I feel the same way sometimes how could bad things happen to good people? I just never fully understood that in life and could relate to the story. Good job on the review.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 00:14
by Ari Martinez
Heather seems like such an amazing and inspirational woman. I can't imagine how much she must have suffered. I don't think I would have survived such abuse and still end up with a loving and forgiving heart. I don't like reading sad books during the holiday season but I'll definitely put it on my list to read it later. Thanks for the review.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 00:23
by Patel Khushi Manishbhai
One author who would relate to our main character, Heather, is Virginia Woolf who had similar childhood experiences. Steven A. Yagyagan managed to depict PTSD and the after effects of abuse quite skillfully. Heather is a symbol of resilience for victims of such atrocities.

"Keep your face always towards the sunshine,
and the shadows will fall behind you."
-Walt Whitman.

Re: Review of Heather

Posted: 24 Nov 2023, 00:47
by Damian Keyes
I have always been drawn to stories that are about underdogs coming from nothing to something. Growing up in a family of abuse can either destroy a person or make them want to be better than the circumstances they grew up in. Hopefully, Heather will be able to deal with her trauma and prosper. Congrats to the author for having the BOTD.