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May BOTM - Featured Review: Save the Last Bullet for God

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 09:25
by rachel_bruhn
[Following is the official review of "Save the Last Bullet for God" by JT Alblood.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Alblood is intellectually challenging and makes the reader question the reality of the life that we all know. When I picked up this book, I thought I was going to be reading about a secret military mission that took place during World War II. I was wrong. The simple version is this: the reader is taken on a journey through time across the lives of many well known historical figures to learn about a complex operation that was created with a single mission. Kill God. This operation challenges every preconceived idea that humans have about how the world works and incorporates aliens, occult societies, secret codes, and human biology/psychology.

Although this story is a journey across time, it is not written chronologically. Each section of the story is clearly identified but, it can still be hard to follow the jumps in time. Often, the time jumps are accompanied by a change in perspective or character. It was not difficult to reorient myself as I read but, the flow of the story was broken by these sudden changes.

Alblood has a natural talent for writing, which makes it easy to read his work. At the same time, he is very intellectual and the concepts presented in this book are above average intelligence. This book is perfect for a reader that likes stimulating material and can follow complex ideas. I would strongly encourage any science fiction fan to check out this book. This book pulls together the nerdiest of the nerds with the in-depth discussions involving psychology, physics, astronomy, history, and more. While the mission is to kill God, I can't say I would discourage people of faith from reading this book. It is not an attack on Christianity or any religion in general. There are overly graphic scenes described, so I would discourage anyone from reading that can't handle blood and guts.

While the story does involve actual historical events, much of what takes place is not believable. I am going to use that word ("believable") for a reason. The secret operation that underlies the entire plot for this story involves viewing life from an entirely new perspective. The ability to accept this concept is limited by the knowledge and understanding that humans possess at this time. Therefore, this story is not believable in relation to the reality we know today but, could be believable in the future.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the lesson that was taught in this book. I truly believe that it can only be learned through reading. There was a point, about halfway through, when a dramatic twist took place. I anticipated that was the end of the story. The second half of the story was when things got weird. The lesson is not learned until the last sentence. Understanding the entire story is paramount to understanding the lesson.

The hardest part of this review was deciding on a rating. I feel that the story could be improved by some minor revisions in sequencing. This would improve the rhythm and flow of the entire story and make it easier to follow. However, it would not detract from the complexity of the whole. Since that is the only "flaw" I found in this complex, intellectual piece I feel that Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Alblood has earned 4 out of 4 stars.

Save the Last Bullet for God
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Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 14:17
by donaldzlotnik
Writing a time shift novel is one of the greatest challenges for an author; I give Alblood 5 starts for just attempting it! Well Done! :D

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 17:34
by bluemel4
Interesting review. Is this book more alternate reality or parallel universe?

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 19:29
by bookowlie
Great, insightful review! The plot, using well known historical figures, looks very creative.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 22:00
by rachel_bruhn
bluemel4 wrote:Interesting review. Is this book more alternate reality or parallel universe?
I think it is more along the lines of an alternate reality. The philosophical theory that underlies the whole story takes what we know across history and applies an entirely new theory or explanation of how things happened. The intricacy of the theory and how it was demonstrated throughout history was amazing. Even the theory itself could try to hold ground as an actual scientific theory. I was truly impressed with the amount of planning and thought that had to go into this novel.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 24 Dec 2015, 05:06
by chytach18-
Interesting book. The review is very insightful.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 25 Dec 2015, 14:10
by Topcho
I just downloaded this book in hopes to join in for the May Book of the month. At first, when I read the annotation, I wasn't very excited. Didn't sound like my type of read. But now after your review, I can't wait for May. It sounds to me like a Doctor Who arc, lol!

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 26 Dec 2015, 13:05
by Levi
@rachel_jacks I can only imagine how hard it was to do this review based on reading about the book. I think you did a great job and I have also downloaded a copy of this book as well!

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 27 Dec 2015, 08:18
by godzil47
rachel_jacks wrote:
bluemel4 wrote:Interesting review. Is this book more alternate reality or parallel universe?
I think it is more along the lines of an alternate reality. The philosophical theory that underlies the whole story takes what we know across history and applies an entirely new theory or explanation of how things happened. The intricacy of the theory and how it was demonstrated throughout history was amazing. Even the theory itself could try to hold ground as an actual scientific theory. I was truly impressed with the amount of planning and thought that had to go into this novel.
Written by using anamorphous method (which was used for the first time in this book ), this novel tells its own story on each chapter, and when stepped away it creates a totally different view.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 28 Dec 2015, 08:21
by rachel_bruhn
godzil47 wrote:Written by using anamorphous method (which was used for the first time in this book ), this novel tells its own story on each chapter, and when stepped away it creates a totally different view.
Are you the author?

-- 28 Dec 2015, 08:23 --
Escapeartist wrote:@rachel_jacks I can only imagine how hard it was to do this review based on reading about the book. I think you did a great job and I have also downloaded a copy of this book as well!
You won't regret it (as long as you can wrap your head around the concepts as you read)!

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 28 Dec 2015, 08:47
by godzil47
rachel_jacks wrote:
godzil47 wrote:Written by using anamorphous method (which was used for the first time in this book ), this novel tells its own story on each chapter, and when stepped away it creates a totally different view.
Are you the author?

I think, I’m the 29th attempt to save the damaged consciousness :liar:

-- 28 Dec 2015, 08:23 --
Escapeartist wrote:@rachel_jacks I can only imagine how hard it was to do this review based on reading about the book. I think you did a great job and I have also downloaded a copy of this book as well!
You won't regret it (as long as you can wrap your head around the concepts as you read)!

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 28 Dec 2015, 09:05
by rachel_bruhn
godzil47 wrote:I think, I’m the 29th attempt to save the damaged consciousness :liar:
I hope I did your book justice with this review! I loved the complexity of everything in the book and connecting the dots as I read. It has been a long time since I read a book that challenged me the way this one did. I would have loved an "About the Author" section to help shed some light on the talented mind behind this piece.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 28 Dec 2015, 09:20
by godzil47
rachel_jacks wrote:
godzil47 wrote:I think, I’m the 29th attempt to save the damaged consciousness :liar:
I hope I did your book justice with this review! I loved the complexity of everything in the book and connecting the dots as I read. It has been a long time since I read a book that challenged me the way this one did. I would have loved an "About the Author" section to help shed some light on the talented mind behind this piece.
You've done an incredibly good job whith this (hard) book.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 05 Jan 2016, 09:00
by kimmyschemy06
I can only imagine how challenging it had been to review such a multifaceted book. However, I think it was also an honor to do the official review for such a well-thought book. Congratulations to you and to the author.

Re: Official Review: Save the Last Bullet for God by JT Albl

Posted: 05 Jan 2016, 11:41
by rachel_bruhn
Thanks! I do feel honored! I am also glad that I able to follow what was being told. I think the review would look very differently if it was written by someone that was unable to grasp the concepts.