Review of The Moon That Fell from Heaven

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Nzube Chizoba Okeke
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Review of The Moon That Fell from Heaven

Post by Nzube Chizoba Okeke »

[Following is an official review of "The Moon That Fell from Heaven" by N.L. Holmes.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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The Moon That Fell from Heaven tells the story of Ehli-nikkalu, the eldest princess of Hatti Land, and the role she came to play in Ugarit. To an outsider, Ehli-nikkalu seems to lead a happy life because of her birth status, wealth, and marriage to the king of Ugarit. But was she happy?

With no friends, Ehli-nikkalu lives a somewhat secluded life in Ugarit. When circumstances bring to her some people she comes to care for, Ehli-nikkalu must do anything to protect them, especially when their lives are threatened. How far is she willing to go? Find out in The Moon That Fell from Heaven.

N.L. Holmes' The Moon That Fell from Heaven is a fantastic book. From start to finish, it is captivating. The author's writing will enthrall readers as she narrates every element in the book, evoking feelings and giving the impression that the reader is watching the plot unfold in real life. When Amaya saw a murder in the novel, for example, I could also feel a sense of panic. It felt like I was seeing the scene unfold and was afraid for Amaya's life.

The story's high level of suspense was another feature of the novel that I found endearing. The suspense in the book increased as a result of the unpredictable nature of the story's events. I found it difficult to put the book down because of how unpredictable the plot was and how it kept me wanting to know more.

I should also mention how beneficial the author's notes after each chapter were. Because it was historical fiction, there were sections of the novel that were based on facts. The author's notes made it easier for me to determine which of the book's sections were based on facts, and they also improved my comprehension of the narrative.

The Moon That Fell from Heaven was a fantastic tale that I had no problems with. The editing was professionally done. Therefore, I'd give it a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. If you fancy historical fiction, then I recommend this book to you.

The Moon That Fell from Heaven
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Amarachi Stephanie Ejike
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Post by Amarachi Stephanie Ejike »

The review of 'The Moon that fell from Heaven' paints the picture of a lonely princess who despite her rich and seemingly privileged background lived a secluded life. Later on, the plot would reveal a Princess who, in all intent, is courageous in protecting those that circumstances brought her way.
The book is a fantastic read and captivates the reader from start to finish. For someone like me that think that most historical novels are straight-cut narratives with less mystery, reading about the unpredictability of this story is a surprise in itself. It is thrilling to note that the book's editing was professionally done and is a great recommendation for lovers of historical fictions.
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"The Moon That Fell from Heaven"masterfully tells the story of Technical, a secluded Hittite princess in Ugarit. The narrative captivates from start to finish, blending historical facts with gripping fiction. The vivid descriptions make readers feel they are part of the unfolding drama, particularly during intense moments like Amaya witnessing a murder. The unpredictable plot heightens suspense, making the book hard to put down. Additionally, the author's notes after each chapter enrich understanding, distinguishing historical facts from fiction for better to understand. This blend of historical depth and emotional engagement makes it a compelling read.
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The review stood out for its sharp insights and thorough explanations. It didn't just scratch the surface; it dived deep into every aspect, breaking it down in a way that was easy to grasp.
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