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Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:24
by Uche Active
I admire individuals who are capable of writing prose poetry. It is a unique form of poetry that not everyone can do. I am looking forward to reading this book's content. Congratulations to the author on winning book of the day.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:28
by tienlen152
The prose poems are described as powerful, evocative, and lyrical, drawing attention to sensitive issues and inviting the reader to explore deeper into Osaki's raw emotions.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:29
by Kira Bonita Reece
This book sounds like a great collection of poetry. It's a book I would enjoy reading judging by the sample. I think this is an interesting way to learn about the Asian culture.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:30
by Dzejn_Crvena
I'd be interested to try this book if not for its negative depiction of women. There's a lot of social issues addressed here, and many Asian-American readers can relate to being exposed to the culture other than their own. Overall, we can empathize with the author's raw emotions. Congratulations on the BOTD.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:32
by Phyll Lyzzy
The review on Solitaire in Best Evidence has entirely captured my attention for it talks about the hope we all rely on on love. The writer talks of creatures with random hope which is absolutely correct and the phrases he uses to spice up his poetry is just too good. The irony in saying that we invest too much on a single card leaving everything to chance is just remarkable. I'm excited to reading other poems of his.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:33
by Shelby Ayres
A collection of poems that is split into four sections. I liked how each section has it's own story.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:35
by Zainab Wasif
I really like the themes that this prose poetry deals with especially about the effects of Vietnamese war on people and addressing the Asian-American stereotypes. But, one thing I did not approve of is downplaying the role of women. I hope it was unintentional. This book is on my read list!

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:38
by Chimereucheya Okoroafo
Thanks for the enlightenment on prose poetry. It's a unique form because not everyone can easily tell a story with a poem format. The themes displayed in this book are interesting. Nice review.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:45
by Christabel Egbeama
I'm no huge fan of poetry but with the brief introduction and summary to this book, I felt a slight tug at my heart. It was a feeling of several emotions letting loose. I haven't even read the book yet but I can tell that Osaki's works has the ability to make a reader feeling different emotions. I would love to see things from the author's perspective and the emotions he had felt in a racial community. Congratulations Osaki on BOTD. Well done!

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:54
by Brenda Creech
Poetry has never been my thing. Especially prose poetry. I find it difficult to understand. Based on the themes in this book, I don't believe this would be the book for me! Excellent review!

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 00:57
Congratulations on BOTD!
Reader curiosity was also heightened by the themes of war and the experience of Asian Americans. A collection of poems titled Best Evidence focuses on specific life challenges. The author skillfully uses English to convey more vivid emotion and imagery. A great book to read.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 01:04
by C Howard
Best evidence
Chinese/American poems from Osaki after the war years.
Congratulations on being BOTD

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 01:25
by Vidhi Adhikari
The description and cover design are quite appealing. Sadly, I'm not into poetry so will have to pass on this one. But I will definitely recommend this book to people interested in the genre. Congratulations on being listed as Book Of The Day.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 01:28
by Wajihazaffar
Best evidence is beautifully written poem. Being an Asian i can easily relate the things which are being portrayed. And when the poetry depicts the war it evokes the emotions.

Re: Official Review: Best Evidence by Mark S. Osaki

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 01:33
by B Sheila Holt
Wow! Thank you for giving us such a beautifully written look into this book of poetry. I love this type of book. Thank you also for being honest in your review of what you didn’t like about his cultural view about women. Awesome job!!!