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Review of Human Lives in Rhyme Consolations in the time of Covid

Posted: 27 Feb 2023, 08:42
by Amiczy Heaven
[Following is an official review of "Human Lives in Rhyme Consolations in the time of Covid" by Mark E Taylor.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Mark E. Taylor's Human Lives in Rhyme Consolations in the time of Covid is a collection of 31 poems. The author wrote the poems to give hope for a better tomorrow after COVID is gone. The first poem is a poem of gratitude to his mother, and from there, he starts to talk about how peaceful life was in the past when he used to enjoy walking in the park and having a quiet sleep. Read the poems to find renewed hope for the future.

The poems were interesting. If I had read these poems during the lockdown, I would have been encouraged to fight to stay hopeful because there is hope for a better future. However, reading it now, I still feel encouraged to look into the future. The author achieved the goal for which he wrote the book. The writing style wasn’t very complicated; one could get the intended meaning from most of the poem without thinking too deeply to uncover some hidden meaning. It is simple enough for people who do not know much about poetry. I also liked the rhyming scheme of most of the poems; reading them out loud was like music to my ears.

There was a lot of beauty in this poem; the only thing that had me unsettled was the repetition of one poem, "A Simple Song." It was the eighth poem on the list but was repeated as the twenty-first poem on the list. I do not know if the author put it there intentionally, which I do not find necessary, or if it was an oversight. This did not lessen the impact of the poem on me, though. The poem also evoked emotions, especially sadness and happiness. The poems where he talked about losing his mother made me sad, and his exciting stories made me happy.

This poem was well written and perfectly edited; I did not notice any errors in it. I liked how the author got inspiration from William Shakespeare, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono in two of his poems. The poem deserves a perfect rating from me; the repetition of one poem in the collection did not interfere with my reading, and I do not believe it is sufficient to deduct a star. Therefore, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

I recommend this book to lovers of poetry, as it is a collection of 31 interesting poems that give hope to readers. I would also advise people who were severely affected by COVID and those who are still dealing with the aftereffects to read this book to be inspired to hope for better days ahead.

Human Lives in Rhyme Consolations in the time of Covid
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