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Review of One Foot Out of the Box

Posted: 25 Mar 2024, 09:20
by Hager Salem
[Following is an official review of "One Foot Out of the Box" by Vanessa Kristovich.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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One Foot Out of the Box by Vanessa Kristovich is a beautiful poetry book that tackles many topics. It is divided into sections, and each section handles a topic. It starts with some nice poems about love and the positive vibes of relationships. Then it moves to the darker, sad side of relationships. Next, it has poems that describe the relationship with God. After that, it talks about the US as a home and some incidents. Finally, the writer shares some thoughts about some friends and lost loved ones.

I really enjoyed the book. It represents what beautiful poetry can offer. Using simple, clear words and telling the story beautifully without elongation requires great skills. The writer started the book by humbly sharing that this was her first experience. You should expect less from a writer's first experience, but I was really impressed. The writer could master all the topics she discussed. I felt that many of the poems touched me. I admire that she dedicated some of the poems she wrote to the people she loved and lost. I saw love and honoring the memory there.

I can't say I disliked anything about the book. I just have a comment on the title and the cover photo of the book. There is a really nice story behind them for the writer. She finally decided to get this book out after a lot of hesitation, hence the name. It doesn't really relate to the content of the book, though. It might give wrong expectations about the book that it's related to self-development. I appreciate the writer's choice and admire the story behind it, but I'm just sharing this thought.

I had a good time reading the book. The writer could transfer me from joy to sadness. She could transfer her feelings to me in a beautiful way. The book received exceptional editing. I didn't notice any errors or mistakes. The title thing didn't affect my experience. Therefore, I rate One Foot Out of the Box by Vanessa Kristovich five out of five stars.

I recommend the book to people who want to spend some lovely time away from the complications of life. People who love uncomplicated poetry would enjoy this as well. There is a whole chapter that talks about God and Christianity. Also, there are some triggers for losing loved ones; if that may affect you, be careful.

One Foot Out of the Box
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Re: Review of One Foot Out of the Box

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 07:27
by Prohlife Jobs
I do enjoy poetry and based on what you have written about the book here, it sounds like a beautiful compilation. Thank you for the comprehensive review. I look forward to giving this a read vey soon.

Re: Review of One Foot Out of the Box

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 09:07
by Amy Luman
I don’t really enjoy poetry. It’s usually because I don’t understand the verse and it is very frustrating for me, but her I think it would be because of the content since you say it is uncomplicated. I am glad, though, that there is literature of this type for those that enjoy it. Thanks!

Re: Review of One Foot Out of the Box

Posted: 13 May 2024, 14:23
by Olivier Muhammad
Hey there! Based on this review, it seems like One Foot Out of the Box by Vanessa Kristovich is a beautiful poetry book that covers various topics like love, relationships, spirituality, and loss. The reviewer found the poems to be simple yet powerful, and they were particularly moved by the ones dedicated to lost loved ones. Although they had a comment about the title and cover not completely aligning with the content, it didn't affect their overall enjoyment of the book. The writing was well-edited and error-free. The reviewer gives it a five-star rating and recommends it for those who appreciate uncomplicated poetry and want to escape the complexities of life. Overall, it appears to be a great read! Dynamic characters, felt alive and vibrant.