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Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 06:10
by Alanna1837
Good info, I have been wanting to read this book. Now I will definitely have to pick it up. Thanks

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 21:41
by krisliz88
I was initially attracted to this book because of the time period. I have always enjoyed reading something that is written in a somewhat historical setting. The problem I found with it was that I felt many things were left unanswered or not explained. I felt that I could not really get in touch with the characters and that they were just a shade less than believable. I'm not sure that this is a book that I would pick up to read on my own and isn't one that I would really recommend.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 19:59
by Lilapo9
I gave this book 3 Stars. It was definitely a good read. The story kept you guessing until the very end. What I liked most about the story was that you were kept guessing right along with the main character as she learned to gain her own voice. What I did not like was the way the main character loses everything yet gains everything but. . . in the end. I would recommend this book to others but might hint that a box of tissues might be needed. I did my share of crying today during certain parts. I did feel in the end it was a good story, it had a plot with many twists it kept my attention throughout. If I had more time this would have been a book I could have read in a day.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 23:25
by Rachaelamb1
I originally was interested in this book but after hearing more from you all, I think I will pass on this one. I don't like unsatisfying endings!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 12:53
by queenmab75
I don't think the ending was entirely unsatisfying or vague. More like unhappy than anything else. I still really enjoyed it, far more than I thought I would!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 10:22
by memory
I thought the author does an excellent job with the time period and building her characters. I thought the story flowed nicely and I didn't find it slow. I did not love the ending because I ended up with more questions than answers even after rereading the prologue. I do wish that the ending left us with a feeling that the characters were going to have some happiness because I think they deserve it.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 26 Apr 2015, 08:34
by V_bansal2912
On my To-Read list...!!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 07 May 2015, 15:03
by Chelseafoshee
The Miniaturist took me awhile to get through. The slowness made it difficult for me to stay motivated to keep reading. I am glad I did finish it, however. There were so many layers in this book ~ both filled with tragedy and history. The history I found fascinating, especially the passages at the end showing what guilders were worth. I do agree with you, Fran, that I felt there was little resolution to many aspects in the story. I felt a little let down at the end, yet also thankful to be done! I would probably recommend this book alongside a warning.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 09 May 2015, 15:21
by daisymoonellis
I absolutely LOVED this book! Fascinating portrayal of attitudes towards women and sexuality. I love the way that while it's set in the 17th century, it still reads like a very modern account. Wonderfully constructed characters and a general eerie atmosphere that stays with you long after finishing! I'm especially pleased for the author, Jessie Burton, as it's her first novel and such a great book to have under your belt so early in your career!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 12:21
by Emmers00
I heard someone talk about this book once, for some reason it reminded me of The Diviners by Libba Bray and this era in history is one that is almost never explored

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 01 Jul 2015, 13:05
by melbuhtoast
I really enjoyed this book. The attention to detail was wonderful-I felt like I could see so many of the details in my mind. I agree with Scott that it had a slow start, but after things picked up, I couldn't put it down. The characters were all so unique, which I appreciated as well!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 04:27
by baasil999
This book had a very quick ending. I still don't know why, but anyway, I give it 2/4 rating

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 11:49
by cherry_girl
I finished the Miniaturist a little over a week ago and it was one of the best books I've read for a while and I found myself constantly thinking about the storyline throughout the day. I've given out my copy to a friend and when I get it back I think I'll have to reread it :D

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 08:23
by Jausten11
The begining of the book was difficult for me to get through. Not that it wasn't interesting and necessary, it just took me a while to comprehend what was going on. Though after that I breezed through the entire thing. I liked the book and gave it a 3 out of 4 rating.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "The Miniaturist"

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 22:00
by London-Paris
I find that the book- The Miniaturist is well above most books written now a days. It is both interesting and debatable at the same time. It questions aspects of love and scandals, the prospect of matrimony, etiquette and society's approval, regards to reputation and obligations of arranged marriages, the concept of homosexuality with regards to religion, scandals with regards to redemption, fraud and death of loved ones, and last but not least the whole setting of Amsterdam during the trying times of severe religious faith and abdication/isolation from free forming ideas- constantly thinking inside the box. I loved the whole scandalous affairs of illegitimate affairs, homosexual accusations/ rape, arranged marriages and the whole concept of foreseeing the future due to little hints the main character receives from a mysterious stranger described in the book, adding to the mystery of the entire story. I grant it 5/5 and am impressed by said story. I would recommend it to anyone interested in historical fiction, mystery, trade and bargaining of livestock in Amsterdam, touch of romance with added scandal, and the unescapable, and untimely aspect of death.