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Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 10:31
by Levi
Eyre-thee-well wrote:I am anxious to read it. I have an Amazon gift card coming soon, and i already know how I'm going to use it. Having become acquainted with zeldas in some of the forums, I am convinced we are kindred spirits, and I am sure I will be delighted with her book.
Woo hoo, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Yes, Meg is awesome, she first welcomed me here and thus the real reason why I picked it up, but I'm glad I did.

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 10:33
by zeldas_lullaby
Escapeartist wrote:
Eyre-thee-well wrote:I am anxious to read it. I have an Amazon gift card coming soon, and i already know how I'm going to use it. Having become acquainted with zeldas in some of the forums, I am convinced we are kindred spirits, and I am sure I will be delighted with her book.
Woo hoo, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Yes, Meg is awesome, she first welcomed me here and thus the real reason why I picked it up, but I'm glad I did.
Thank you, Levi!! I'm really glad you read my book because you really "got" it in a way that matters. :-)

Kindred spirits!! Thank you, Eyre!! Just as Anne Shirley would say.

BTW, I know I have The Thorn Birds listed as my favorite book, but Jane Eyre is definitely in my top three. (It was close!)

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 14:45
by Levi
my thoughts:

Bovine flatulence. Do I have your attention?! Yes, this book contains a joke about bovine flatulence and how it relates to supposed global warming. This book contains a plethora of things that one would not expect. I am a thirty-four year old male in the motorcycle industry and I loved not only the inspiring message of the book, but also the never ending humor and and the way the author captures the adolescent girl's rambling mind as well as the nature of human thought. At one point one of our heroines, Corey, is running through a library terrified seemingly of nothing, but her thought is that something is following her and that at any point this terrifying presence is going to throw the bookshelves over onto her and she is going to die in an avalanche of books. Ha ha ha, I still to this day sometimes feel a little creeped out when I watch scary movies at home alone by myself, and have often thought of something doing me some kind of dastardly harm from beyond the grave. Just kidding, that never happens, I'm too tough for that and ghosts are scared of me, but i digress. The aforementioned humor is also second to none if you like sarcastic humor (which if you don't, you're probably the dead ghostly presence that was chasing Corey or the one that tries to gnaw my face off when I watch The Haunting at home alone, because if you are alive, how could you not like sarcastic humor?) One of the best lines in the book comes after Andi, our other heroine, is explaining to her dad that they learned about bovine flatulence and it's relation to global warming in school that day. Her dad goes on speaking to her and begins to pry too far into her preteen life, at which point she makes a joke about a boy that almost makes her dad have a heart attack, and when she sees the haunted look on his face she states, "I was just joking, don't have a flatulent cow, dad!!" Hahaha

But truly, the story was inspiring and that was the point that I liked most about it. Too much in the world today we speak and never listen. We argue on Facebook with textual eye bulging anger and spew hateful things to those who disagree with us, because if they don't like it we can just ignore them or delete them, we never have to reason and look at the other person's point of view. I mean seriously, what is this debate class, I don't have to listen to you OMG, shut up or I'm telling my mom! We sound like some of the troubled kids in this book. And that is where Andi and Corey come in. These young ladies do what most people fail to do these days, they care. They care so much that they look past people's outer appearances and attitudes and get to the core of who they are and then help them to become better people. They do this even for people that have hurt them and that sacrifice makes their compassion that much more cathartic to the person who experiences it. These are true principles, have you ever been forgiven for something horrible that you have done to someone? At that point that forgiveness and the kindness that that person shows you is much more meaningful than if they have forgiven you some minor offence.

In conclusion, I have read some reviews that state that the characters are not believable because they are too kind, or too wise. Corey's mom always has the right answer when she needs help. And to this I say balderdash!!! Unhand me you literary Siskel and Ebert! There are those of us who truly do care about other people, and who look past what others outer appearances and attitudes are try to get to know the real person and help them. I am one of them. I am a 34 year old motorcycle enthusiast with tattoos that also loves people and would do anything to help anyone that I could. Appearances can be deceiving. In this day and age of internet warmongering, we all could use a little more help from the likes of the Advice Avengers.

You got a problem with that!? :)

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 15:02
by zeldas_lullaby
Yeah, I got a problem with that, punk. :violence-smack:

OMG, thank you so much for those kind words!! I really appreciate it, and I'm so happy that you loved the book so much!! :D Thank you!!

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 30 Jun 2015, 21:31
by bookowlie
Escapeartist - What a great review! I also loved Corey's mom, although Andi's dorky dad was my favorite character!

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 30 Jun 2015, 23:52
by Levi
Thanks Owlie, I did like him in the end. I think the only character I didn't like was Principal butt nugget as I came to call him. What a jerk face.:)

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 10 Jul 2015, 16:52
by Ericaflowers6238
When I was a preteen I would have loved to have a book like this to read. It is fantastic to see that an author took on the challenging task of writing a book from a child's point of view and was able to create such an intriguing story. This would be a perfect book for my 13 year old sister, and I am likely going to purchase it.

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 10 Jul 2015, 19:38
by Levi
You won't be sorry Erica!!

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 10 Jul 2015, 21:24
by zeldas_lullaby
Escapeartist wrote:You won't be sorry Erica!!
Thanks, Levi!!

Erica, please let me know what your sister thinks of it!! :-)

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 00:01
by ZackandMack
Zack and I aren't 12 yet and we are boy turtles instead of human girls, that aside the review is lovely and the story sounds wonderful.

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 11:42
by zeldas_lullaby
OMG, hi Zack and Mack!! Thanks for stopping in! Hey everyone, say hi to Zack and Mack, the twin turtles!! Thank you for the praise!! You guys are my favorite turtles!!

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 00:59
by kitsune1997
It sounds really interesting. I will suggest my friend to get it for her sister who is that age. Maybe I'll read it too who knows :P

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 28 Jul 2015, 13:11
by cgoss74
I am putting this book on my want to read list, can't wait to read it.

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 28 Jul 2015, 13:47
by zeldas_lullaby
cgoss74 wrote:I am putting this book on my want to read list, can't wait to read it.
I'd love for you to read it!! :D

Re: Featured Review: Forever Twelve by Meg Kimball

Posted: 03 Aug 2015, 14:56
by Heidi M Simone

This sounds like a very interesting book, great review! I'm going to add it to my to-read list! In my classroom, I have two young girls, one is twelve and the other is thirteen years old. I actually think both will like this book too, so I'm going to recommend it to them as well! Thanks, again!