Black Hole

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Black Hole

Post by Miche65 »

One day I'm walking as usual one foot in front of the other then I fall into this deep black hole and I have been falling for 5 yrs now and have not reach the bottom of it and I wonder is there an end. In 5 yrs you can think on a lot the past, future and now events and not to mention the off the wall thoughts but distraction is no longer my enemy i have found her to be my friend.
My mind has become a instrument between life and death, a distraction from reality of what's going on but also a reality of truth of what's going on and since it is my choice I choose life and once I made that choice I began to see truth

You might be thinking what my life was like before the fall I have a family, job, friends and savings but it's heavy, it's empty, formless, same old same old, neverending darkness coming to no end yes! what I'm experiencing now in this deep black hole is mirroring my life before (which that too was reality) I just chose to ignore the pull until I couldn't push no longer, I couldn't will myself to do more or do it better it took me to fall physically so I could see spiritually that something was wrong but now thinking was i really living? or is there more to my life?

I have to be honest with myself because I'm realizing that's where it first starts being honest with me first no one else but me. I no that might sound mean but as the good book says 'remove the board out of your own eye first' so yes it began with me, so to be honest I have not been tending to this garden of my soul, heart, mind and spirit they feed from one another. I myself allowed it to tend too itself, I didn't guard what seeds was being planted maybe because I couldn't see it, you know us as humans we disregard what we can't see, the unseen it becomes irrelevant but I'm starting to see different now if truth be told it's the condition of the unseen that gives light or darkness to what we see outwardly. My problem was I always paid attention to life externally family, job, money and friends, i never slowed down, I made sure that all was well and in place but as time moved along I ignored or didn't realized the shifting that was taking place within, my garden was out of sync with one another so as you can see this is were I ended up in this black hole and until my garden is no longer divided amongst itself but on one accord in mutual agreement, only then can i truly live so as i'm listening with both eyes and ears open I began to see light little by little...

Oh my, what's happening now?! I'm rising, I'm floating no longer descending but ascending, the weight I was feeling before is slowly slipping away but I noticed that I'm not moving forward fast but in sync or in time with the knowledge and understanding that I am using and that is ok because I would love for it too take root and remain
So you might ask how long will I be rising out of this hole since it was 5yrs of falling I can't answer that, I do know the more I tend to my garden the higher I rise!!!
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Drakka Reader
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Post by Drakka Reader »

This would be an interesting idea, but I am far too distracted by your punctuation mistakes and run-on sentences. The ideas also seem to come too quickly without dwelling too much on what have been said. I feel it would feel "slower" if you spread out the sentences into more paragraphs than what you have.
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Frannie Annie
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Post by Frannie Annie »

the run on sentences do take away from the story. The more a sentence runs on, the more impact it loses. that said the idea itself is a good one and I did connect with it somewhat.
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