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To Late To Notice.

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 17:39
by xXTranstasticXx
He sighed to himself as he sat at the kitchen table alone, the surface covered with the Thanksgiving dinner he had prepared for the family he knew would not come: a glass of white wine in his hands. The clock above the refrigerator stated that it was well past two and he was alone in his house, the plates he sat out still spotless and the food undisturbed. His boyfriend had promised he would be home by the time dinner was done on this day after being away for three weeks without even a phone call, but as the clock struck two-thirty all hope was lost. He sipped his wine and sighed again. This was not the first time that his boyfriend promised something and never followed through but that still did not make the pain in his heart any better. His boyfriend was not the only one that promised to meet him for this dinner, his mum and dad were supposed to come over bringing with them his little sister and his aunt Bella. But no one was here, not even his boyfriends family, everyone was too busy with their own life to appreciate the work he had put forth with this meal. As his phone pinged with a text he did not even pull it from his pocket to check to see who it was, he did not care. He simply stood from his seat and abandoned the food, leaving his drink at his place seating. He decided that he would go out for dinner, maybe grab a sub sandwich from subway or maybe a big mac from McDonald it was not really that important, maybe he would not even eat at all today. He pulled on his coat and wrapped his scarf around his neck only to remove it when he realized it was the one his lover had gotten him for Christmas to make up for missing that last year. He tossed it to the floor and pulled on a different one, the one he had bought himself on the day he had meet the man that would soon lie to him and break every promise he had uttered. He wrapped it tightly around his neck to block off the cold and then stepped out of the condo and made his way to the private elevator that would take him to the foyer of this huge place. As he stepped out, he did not bother to smile at the people that passed by him like he normally does each day, nor did he stop to buy bread crumbs to feed the birds in the park. Today, the holiday of being thankful for the things in life only left him regretting having those things at all. How could you be thankful for someone that was never around? Be thankful for parents who did not support you? A aunt that was a bitch and always invaded your personal life? How could you be grateful for things that were only distant memories? He felt himself crying silently, the cold air biting his cheeks harshly as he trudged to the pier, passing fishermen catching fish with their sons, spending time with their mates, their wife's, even their fathers who have long since exceeded seventy-five. He felt heart broken. He did not care that his phone pinged a second time, and then a third or a fourth, all he wanted was to be alone. He shoved his hand into his jean pocket and pulled it out, not even bothering to look at the number that had text but instead he switched it off. He saw a women holding a little boy by the hand, walking with him to the ice -cream parlor making him wonder if she would still want to hold his hand if she found out he were gay. He saw a girl and a boy walking arm in arm along the pier and he wondered how many promises he had broken to her, how many nights had she been alone crying, begging the gods that he would come to her and comfort her. He saw a elderly man with his grand child and he wondered if the grandchild would even remember the man once he was gone, would he even really care? As the bright light of morning turned to the gray of dusk no one even noticed him walking back home, no one smiled at him or even said hello. When he returned back to the condo and entered the room to find his boyfriend sitting at the table with his hands clutching his phone he was still unnoticeable. He stripped off his clothes and slipped into bed to try and sleep but sleep was inevitable, as his boyfriend crawled into bed beside him, a arm did not snake around his waist and kiss his shoulder blade it was as if he had not seen him at all. As the worry consumed the man beside of him, the boy found himself whispering into his ear. "It will be alright." but he did not seem to hear it. Nor would he never hear it again. No more would he stare at the man he loved. As the hours ticked by the boy curled into his side to comfort the worrying man until a knock rang sharp on the front door. He found two police men standing before him with looks of heartache. They had bad news for him and when they finished he sunk to the floor onto his knees. He thank the police and closed the door, his body feeling numb as he walked to the kitchen and sat down. A black box was withdrawn from his pocket and opened to allow the man to see inside. Lights shimmered around the object making it almost glow. The man began to weep as he stood and fell to his knees, holding the box in his massive hands. He did not notice the boy standing in the bedroom doorway watching the scene play out, nor would he notice him ever again.

Re: To Late To Notice.

Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 03:30
by Melanie_Page
I liked your story but it left me confused. I gather that a tragedy has occurred and he was ignoring his phone and found out too late. I'm assuming that it is a member of his family who has died? It would probably be good if that were a little clearer.
Can I be a pain and make a couple of suggestions? I am an English teacher by profession so I could not help but notice the lack of paragraphing. Trust me, it would make all the difference.
Look at the length of your sentences. When portraying emotion, shorter is often better. Your description is pretty good. To add depth, look at using the senses; what do tiny details look, sound, smell, feel like?
And keep writing! You have done well today. Tomorrow you will do even better!