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Letters of Woe

Posted: 30 May 2023, 09:36
by Ayesha Faraz
The waves thrash around my ship, sending her rocking back and forth. I look up, against the forces, as water falls on my face from the heavens and angrily splashes me from the depths of the sea. The wind screams in agony, almost as if it can feel the pain of me and my crew. "Raise the sails! Hoist yourselves!". I yell to the men on the deck.

As quickly as the storm had come, it vanished just as fast. We sailed back on course and arrived at a quaint little you town at the edge of Great Britain. My lads and I were in desperate need of a wash and the boys were hungry for meat. I. however, was starved, not from liver and fat, but from the words of my one true love, Amelie, back home in France.

I rushed to the post office and prayed her letter would have already arrived and I was in luck, it was waiting for me. The paper. yellowed from wait and the wax seal was coming loose. I ripped it open and began to read enthusiastically. But, if I could rewind time, I wish I had never opened that letter and drowned in the rage of the bloody sea when I had the chance. Truly ignorance is bliss.

The letter was in fact not from the radiant Amelie, but from her younger sister. It stated the death of my beloved, from a cold that got worse over time and there was not enough money in the house to buy the needed medication. The world turned gray before my very eyes and my shoulders were weighed down. with such devastating news. Even the word "devastating" cannot describe how I felt. I am not the most educated man in France but nor am I the most illiterate. but I cannot think of a word to explain to you how I felt.

I felt as if I had all the time in the world with your mother, my boy, but I did not account for a mishap. I warn you, my son, account for the bad but do not miss out on the good in your fear. I am a lucky man to say that the years I spent with my wife were the most exhilarating of my life. I implore you, Jacques, do not leave your wife and kids, keep them close to you. We are not like the princes of England, we don't have much. Our people, our family, is all we have. Do not leave as I did. You will regret it if you do.

Your loving father,

Re: Letters of Woe

Posted: 08 Sep 2023, 01:37
by Pipeloluwa Fagbola
The anxiety that comes with waiting, this reminds of several times I have had to wait.