Happiness she dwells in

Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Amina Dima
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Joined: 22 Sep 2023, 02:56
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Icon Happiness she dwells in

Post by Amina Dima »

Oh, the things she loves, they are many and fine,
A treasure trove of joys that make her heart shine.
Chocolate, sweet and rich, a taste divine,
A hot bath, luxurious and oh so fine.

Ice cream, creamy and cold, a treat for the soul,
Children, young and full of life, a precious goal.
Pineapple, juicy and fresh, a tropical delight,
Journaling, a place to express her deepest sight.

Graphic design, a passion that never fades,
Cars, sleek and fast, a thrill that never wanes.
Quran, a source of guidance and peace,
Coffee, a warm embrace that never ceases.

Traveling, adventure and new sights to see,
Drawing, a hobby that brings her glee.
Novels, a escape to another world,
Writing, a way to express her every girl.
Morning sun, a new day has begun.

Laughing, a sound that never grows old,
Jokes, a way to make her heart sing,
Praying, a way to connect with her everything.
Fashion, a way to express her style,
A world of love, a life that's worth your while.
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