I lost you

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Amina Dima
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Joined: 22 Sep 2023, 02:56
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I lost you

Post by Amina Dima »

Oh, the pain of losing my dear mother so true,
No more hugs from her, no more kisses anew.
I wish I could buy her all the love she's missed,
But alas, she's gone, and my heart's been mist.

I long to see her smile, to hear her laugh,
But she's no longer here, and my heart's half-broken.
I wish I could turn back time, to spend more days,
But fate had other plans, and took her away.

No more motherly love, no more gentle care,
No more her guiding hand, no more her prayer.
I'm left with memories, and a heart so sore,
Longing for what I've lost, and what I'll never have more.

Oh, how I wish I could see her again,
To tell her how much I love her, to ease her pain.
But she's gone, and I'm left with this grief,
A burden I must bear, a weight so severe.

So I'll hold on to memories, and cherish them deep,
And hope that someday, I'll see her in my sleep.
For though she's gone, her love will always be,
A part of me, a memory eternally.
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