Helping Hand

Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Tahmina Biswas
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Helping Hand

Post by Tahmina Biswas »

Hey! It's a foggy winter morning
Some are enjoying and some are mourning
Seeing the poor children and the old
I've come to know that they are suffering the most.

And here we're behaving like a demon
Eating cakes, drinking date-juice and so on
Wearing jackets & using heaters, we don't feel winter's coldness
But by ignoring them are not we becoming too much careless?

Shame, shame, shame Shame on us!!!
We're becoming like a pet of circus.

Can't our helping hand be stretched
Can't we show our humanity and fulfil their wishes
Investing a little amount of money, we can build up a social camp
So that they too can use it like Aladdin's magic lamp.

Don't be like a useless puppet
It's the time to do something noble
To do something for else-
To add happiness and eradicate curse.

Let's collect public's thought
And let us all ought-
If wanna do something noble
Help the poor people
Spending a little savings money
Let's help them to live freely.

- Tahmina Biswas
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