Seasons, a poem

Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Enis Nikci
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Seasons, a poem

Post by Enis Nikci »

I watched spring, fall and winter break
and your smile slowly fade
now all I can do is vouch
for you
and hope one day we reunite
in heaven’s gate.
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Post by a1coder »

Your poignant poetry captivates the essence of passing time and its impact on emotions. With vivid imagery, you beautifully capture the cycle of seasons, paralleling it with the fading of a cherished smile. The simplicity in your words brings forth profound emotions, leaving readers contemplating the inevitable changes that life brings. The poem's yearning and hope for a reunion add a touch of bittersweetness, painting a picture of love that transcends earthly boundaries. Your ability to evoke both introspection and empathy within just a few lines is truly commendable. 'I Watched Spring, fall, and Winter Break' is a heartfelt reflection on the passage of time and the enduring power of love.
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