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Posted: 08 Sep 2023, 03:16
by Lsee
As part of life's experiences are feelings
The fruit of which either fades or clings
Intuitively we understand our atmosphere
To this, follows an inclination to adhere

For a selfish nature, we turn to defense
To charge another is our first response
But oh! How little we finally accomplish
Peace and revenge difficult to distinguish

Tough though it may be to wholly forget
Such reactions later we tend to regret
Weighed down for in us we bear a grudge
In our oblivion, our hearts will have a smudge

Thus, from all negativity we learn to refrain
No more anger and bitterness; never again!
To all, forgiveness we learn to freely give
And of one accord we hope to ever live

To be watchful, we endeavour to learn
And the peace most sought, we yearn
Each moment, our realities we confront
Our well-being ever considered at the front


Posted: 16 Sep 2023, 10:51
by Okewunmi Pelumi
I love this poem. It's a distinctive one.