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The Daughter of Jezebel

Posted: 14 Sep 2023, 17:54
by Okewunmi Pelumi
When I opened my eyes, I saw her gaze,
Eyes gracing a lovely face in a gentle phase.
Truly a woman before me stood,
Her mind as sharp as steel, misunderstood.
I thought she'd brave any horror's plight,
Unaware she harbored shadows deep inside her light.

I was drawn to her form, a fine display,
Unknowing she carried burdens each day.
Even if I feasted on honeyed buns with glee,
I couldn't bear the weight of her silent plea.

I observed her like a telecaster's screen,
Tales she told, hoping our love to glean.
Would my love be spent, a mere vanity?
Little did I know she wore armor, strong and steady.

Laughing, the daughters of Jezebel in their game,
24/7 they seek to tarnish others' name,
Obstructing paths to success, they persist,
Toying with hearts as they hide their twist.

Beware their allure, their tempting touch,
They offer themselves freely, for glory's clutch.
If not careful, ensnared you'll be,
By these daughters of Jezebel, an enemy. :evil2:

In your prayers, rebuke them with strength and grace,
For they may feign holiness in the sacred space.