
Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Kristhy Pelayo
Posts: 3
Joined: 12 Jul 2023, 21:22
Bookshelf Size: 0


Post by Kristhy Pelayo »

I remember how love fell like raindrops on a sunny day
How love played my favourite music on repeat, and sang it to me
I remember how love turned the days yellow and blue, while adding beats to music, I didn't know

I remember love took the leap crossing the hills of regrets after seeing that yellow leaf falling on his chamber'd window,
silently crying after remembering his favourite movie — a silhouette to his willow

I remember love's first laugh and cry, the way he held his heart covering his eyes,
wanting to escape on his once messy life

I remember how love captures the best moments in me, and witnessed the worst yet chose to stay

I remember when love caressed my shoulder for crying over little things while he was silently drowning, pretending he's well
I remember how love opened his heart and took the risk for me

And so when love trembles, and cry
I shall wipe his tears to make him feel fine
I shall remind him of his bravery
That certainly, love it is he!

Oh, love will feel alone no more
For I will be there to hold him
And embrace his scars

I'll be there to remind him that verily,
love is special and cherished, above all.
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