This is what it's like

Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Icon This is what it's like

Post by RowbuckJane »

For you: from the start(2019)

I lept
and slowly sunk
deeply into the meadows
of my mind grooves

free falling into sunshine
and pools of blue

I love when you get stuck there
in those persistent corduroy loops

like diving up
and never blinking
like eternal smiles
and barefoot dancing

I find myself
in between being
and my mind routine

to think of you
is to dream of you

to dream a dream
of seeing into blue
those little creators
of my mind grooves

The end: lost and found(2022)

I was hopping from thread to thread
held by a dream
and wrapped in leather

finding a feeling
catching things
feet feathering
as I stumble

I’d like to breathe you
blue eyed sunshine,
and see into you,
and meet you in the sky at night

a moon shadowed star gazer
waiting to be captured

will our constellations become braided?

or remain independent
like two wise tree trunks
married only “in each other’s shadow”


I’d like to set sail amongst ivory rivers
until I seep into the obsidian nothing,
beautiful oblivion,
finally finding myself in darkness
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