
Use this forum to post poetry that you have written. This is for getting comments and constructive feedback. This is for original, creative works. You must post the actual text, no links. Only one poem per topic please.
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Amina Dima
Posts: 5
Joined: 22 Sep 2023, 02:56
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Icon Judgemental

Post by Amina Dima »

Oh, the ease of judging, it's a poisonous breeze
That blows through the minds of those who cannot see
The struggles of others, the pain they endure
And the battles they fight, with scars they obscure

The judgemental ones, they have a disease
A comparing disease, a constant tease
They measure others by their own yardstick
And find them lacking, with a quick flick

But oh, the irony, it's a bitter pill
For they who judge the most, are often ill
With their own insecurities and fears
And the weight of their own doubts and tears

They cannot handle it all, the burden is too great
So they direct it outward, with a critical slate
But the truth is, they are the ones who are blind
To the beauty and worth of the human kind

So let us not judge, let us not compare
Let us instead, show love and care
For each other's struggles, each other's pain
And celebrate our differences, like a refrain
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