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One Day

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 08:55
by Mikayla Young 2
One day
is perhaps all it takes
to create memories
of happiness
of sadness
of hurt
of joy
of recovery
of remembrance
of fear
of anger
of lessons learned
of failures
of victories
of the ones who stayed through it all
of the ones that left either by walking away or transcending into heaven
of the ones that got away
of the past moments we play on repeat but wish to forget
of the hardships faced
of the doubt, we felt within
of the creative strikes
of the heartbreak
of the independence, we felt at times
of the childhood we missed when we turned into adults
of the love, we felt we never deserved but embraced like a warm hug
of the accomplishments we made, that we felt were too out of reach to accomplish in the first place
of the words, conversations, songs, music, videos, movies, and television shows, among other types of media and entertainment that stick with us playing in our minds randomly
of all the memories of the past, present, and future
that will come together to make a collection of one-day stories of our lives
that will serve to inform, show, and tell the present and future generations
they are not alone in the ways they feel, act, or
in the things they experience
perhaps one day is all it takes to start creating the memories that make up our life story
but multiple one-days to create a lifetime of us.