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Posted: 11 Mar 2024, 08:50
by Vlad Petrovich

The darkness. The shivering sweat of despair.
The watchfully placed smell of sadness and fear.
The time's dropping lazily. Dust is the air.
My heart-ache is crying: Oh, Fate! Can you hear!?
I want to be loved just because I am loving!
My soul is exhausted! Do bless to be vaster
The purity-land, where nobody is cunning!

The time's dying past. What is left? A disaster...

My careless misdeed won't be ever forgiven,
I know, but the Hope dies the last, it will never
Betray me or curse me!
The time is a river,
It's running away and my hope fades forever.

The love's gone for good. Satan laughs: "What's the matter?"
God! None can explain to the Lust: "You are lying!"
We're seeking for better... The past is the better.
The best in the future is that we'll be dying.
The best thing in store for us is: we'll be dying.

The best in the future is: we shall be dying.