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Dreams I feel every time I close my eyes

Posted: 31 Mar 2024, 03:27
by Luoana Dobos
There was a forest in my mind’s eye
Did you see it?
It was beautiful,
almost as beautiful as the heartbreak
I felt every time I looked at you.

I heard a song in that forest
and imagined it was my heart
singing a song only I could feel.

I laughed then, because who wouldn’t laugh
When they’re happy?
The leaves crumbled under my feet
while I danced, my heart crying tears
of blood and hope,
you crushed so easily
In another forest,
In another life...

Re: Dreams I feel every time I close my eyes

Posted: 04 Apr 2024, 14:19
by Silvia Sianto
Thank you for this poem it speaks volumes of the unspoken words that linger in a lovers mind.
Keep up the good work.