''Me Vs Gravity''

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Evans ka Benji
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Joined: 26 Feb 2024, 02:37
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Icon ''Me Vs Gravity''

Post by Evans ka Benji »

:shock: Is me finding out why life isn't straight and smooth, after doing almost all I supposed to be doing and yet couldn't score most of the goals I thought should have been scored. :oops: Searching for the reason, and the answer that led me to discover the act of ''Gravity''. Which explains the ups and downs in the process of scoring my passionate goals,that dictates the pace of the game.As an unseen opponent.

As Life being full of optical illusions, visible and invisible layers that attract attention and connections. Revealing smoke and mirrors on the other side of seemly real scenarios, accepting responsibilities for whatever we in tend to view and also see by ticking consent to delve into these illusions. Is what I have relate it to a ball game advertisement in practical terms, where the description is designed to attract attention and appears genuine but is just a scenario. In a nutshell, its about elusiveness, either capturing attention or manipulating your instincts.
''Life in a Ball Game'' is a game where each and every person hopes to win, with expectations of others dropping out to give them their support. Life is quite complicate in many ways, before achieving or scoring your goals.The journey doesn't seem to be far to either arriving or to achieve when looking straight to the goalposts without any obstruction.However the complexity of ups and downs manipulated by (Gravity) which dictates the pace of the game makes it far from scoring. Is Me vs Gravity: the goals representing the ball and playing symbolizing my efforts to achieved or arrived, the complexity of the challenges represent Gravity the opponent which aims to pull me down in every circumstances regardless of resilience I hold on to.Gravity my biggest invisible opponent making me uncomfortable by demonstrate how futile I am, constantly after my futility to resist my ambition of scoring my passionate goals by dazzling the goalpost. Oh'' Awful ''Gravity''.
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