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Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 07 May 2015, 00:24
by Kritika
I loved reading this book.
It was like my whole life in front of me. I certainly have similar philosophies and take on life.
Even wrote a blog post few weeks back.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 13 May 2015, 14:00
by ananya92
I really enjoyed reading this one. It made me feel a myriad of emotions.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 14 May 2015, 00:47
by whero
In which John Green slays the manic pixie dream girl trope. I love John Green, I've watched his videos for a very long time, so I'm pretty much a fan of everything he does. But I also genuinely think he writes some of the greatest books of modern times. They simultaneously entertain and intrigue one, making think you about what you're reading while still being fun light(ish) reads. Makes me so happy to see them being read the world over and being made into (really quite fantastic) movies. They are stories that are very worth ones time.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 14 May 2015, 03:26
by debo9967
I enjoyed reading this one. The book was quite entertaining and at the same time it also very thought provoking.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 14 May 2015, 10:21
by Momlovesbooks
I enjoy reading YA novels, but this is the first one by John Green that I've read. I thought it was funny, thought-provoking and mysterious. It had some deep moments that made me think about putting myself in someone else's position and seeing life through their eyes. I would recommend this as an intriguing book. I look forward to reading his other novels.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 17 May 2015, 23:44
by angelbeats1
I was so looking forward to reading this book. When I finally got my hands on it I read it in two days. I loved this book, it was really sweet! The characters were really relatable. This book was like an emotional roller coaster filled with ups, downs, twists, and turns. However, this book isn't my favourite book written by John Green. This book still made it to my list of favourite books though. I love John Green's writing style. It's funny, yet intense at the same time.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 18 May 2015, 00:44
by Katherine E Wall
I was disappointed by Paper Towns. Perhaps, I heard too much about it before reading it. I found the majority of the characters were flat, although occasionally, there were glimpses of other facets. Now, I must admit, I only finished three-quarters of the book. I just did not become invested enough in it to finish reading.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 18 May 2015, 15:56
by stoppoppingtheP
I have not yet read Paper Towns. My sister did read it and she said that she didn't find it that great. Perhaps this is also because of the high expectations she has of John Green seeing that she loves his videos.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 24 May 2015, 05:42
by Duende Knocking
Katherine E Wall wrote:I was disappointed by Paper Towns. Perhaps, I heard too much about it before reading it. I found the majority of the characters were flat, although occasionally, there were glimpses of other facets. Now, I must admit, I only finished three-quarters of the book. I just did not become invested enough in it to finish reading.
I had the same problem. I was unable to finish, so I won't be rating it. I struggled with caring about the characters. :(

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 26 May 2015, 02:47
by Kradz325
Like a few of the other commentators on this forum, I was not very fond of the book. I found Margo to be too selfish and self-absorbed, and the fact that Q was so enthralled with her made me dislike him as well.

But even though I didn't care for the two main characters, I found some good lessons along the way. First, even though you may see and hear another person, you don't know them fully because you haven't had the same experiences they have had. Second, everybody has a face they show to the outside world, and it's probably not who they really are. And third, we generally all expect people NOT to be who they are - we expect them to be who we WANT them to be.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 26 May 2015, 08:41
by Thesaurus Rex
I liked the characters BECAUSE they were flawed, like real humans.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 26 May 2015, 09:41
by 14aadams
I would give Paper Towns 2 stars. It was just okay. It was an easy read that had good characters but the ending was a let down in my opinion. however the way the book had to have been thought out nut have taken a lot of skill, John Green is a very talented writer

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 27 May 2015, 23:13
by JungHaeju
John Green! You've done it again. Great book.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 28 May 2015, 01:55
by Mjelmer
I read this book before I became a member of this site. I really enjoy John Green as an author. He puts you right in the story where you can experience every emotion as if you were right there. His stories always holds my attention. I love his writing style!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of "Paper Towns"

Posted: 28 May 2015, 11:07
by EskimoPrincess
I gave it 5 stars. It was tough to start, and tough to finish, but the middle had me in a tight hold. I loved the mysterious aspect of it that kept me turning the pages. I wanted to know where she was, and what the clues meant. I found myself going back in the book just to see if a part I'd read connected with anything I was currently reading. It was like an adventure. I can't wait to see the movie but if they change the ending...I swear I' something. :P