A little bit on Mill's and Boon!!!

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A little bit on Mill's and Boon!!!

Post by katm »

Love them or loath them Mills and Boon celebrate their 100 anniversary. Some call their books trashy while others a means by which to unwind and enjoy a world of romantic fiction books make believe that stimulate the mind in the right way.
Romance has been with us from the dawning of time and for the last century Mills and Boon has carried the torch. What are your feelings about, this now, almost classical publisher? Being brought up in a Christian home my mother would never have let me read these fiction books believing them to be unhealthy for a young lady. Had she have known of the many hours I spent reading these fairy tale romance stories she'd of had a fit and however my husband teases me when he catches me indulging in a moment of quietness from the tribe I find them a great way to relax and unwind. Are they harmful ladies? Do they give us the wrong impression of what love is? My thought is this, who cares I enjoy them even though I know my husband will never be the kind of man that, 'brooding ranch owner Brody Hamilton' was for Lucy Farnsworth.' ;);)
So come on girls share your thoughts on Mills and Boon, were you caught reading them in class at school, did your mother catch you under the bed clothes, or did she encourage your passion for a good racy whirl wind romance?
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Post by yollyP. »

I'm a fan of Mills and Boons way back my high school years. I wonder what's new with this romance-thick books now?
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