How to Make to Text Bold or Italic in Reviews

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Re: How to Make to Text Bold or Italic in Reviews

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mariyha allen
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bold text test
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Camrie Gilbert
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regular text. regular text.
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I have done it several times still not getting it
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Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate, and I hope that I have succeeded in summarizing the author in a reasonable manner after I was amazed by the amount of information, names, and references.

According to the biography of the writer, Chet Shupe, he is an electronic engineer. He had a disorder called profound attention deficit, which was caused by his loss in the areas of social relations. He finally found what he was looking for when he occupied his mind with the facts of human life, and he found that the cause of this disorder was due to the loss of people’s sense of authenticity. Spirituality, or rather its loss, with the time of complex life development

His condition was diagnosed and treated with Ritalin effectively. He immersed himself in the midst of spiritual life, and his emotions inspired him to many truths about secrets hidden in the souls of humanity. He raised some existential and philosophical questions and tried to convince his readers, namely that everything that calls for regulating our emotions, thoughts, and motives is... In reality, they are just restrictions and shackles whose presence we feel depressed, anxious and suffering
And all the rules and systems that were imposed on us are only to make us serve the systems and control our future. Civilization and development are the reason for our misery. The natural world in which our ancestors lived thousands of years ago was changed by the game of technology and development and turned into a society full of complexes and restrictive systems, in which we find happiness only. In our imaginations, we miss the emotional essence and family and social relationships

Where matter has become what protects and controls our ideology of feelings, and that sentence that inspired me in the writer’s saying (the desert of the soul): Every living being serves its kind, that is the law of life nature.

Modern man's departure from the natural world created emotional pain for him
These legal systems created a high wall between us and our true souls and our innate nature, and we became in a challenge between our true emotions and the standards of contemporary systems, in a failed attempt to make the standards successful! Life systems worked to tame us as electronic robots that move according to their goals... Continued

Our souls are exposed to severe abuse under civil rule. We live in invisible prisons, subject to the judgments of our conscience, which was raised and nurtured according to the systems and laws of contemporary life. This is what has caused many to resort to suicide, domestic violence, drugs, or crime.

The writer reinforces the analogy of human beings to addicts, who know that they are wrong, yet are unable to give up... The rational human being is a social being, who cannot reach true well-being except through bonds of friendship and trust that bring him together with other human beings... The new law of civilization. It prevented us from developing these bonds, created wide rifts between individuals, and created physical and moral distances, which ultimately led to the absence of real meeting.

While the animals remained preserving their innate desires, this strengthened their connection more and more because of their commitment to the natural law of life, and the spiritual incubator in which they lived since ancient times made them always ready to protect their kind, like monkeys defending each other, in contrast to the lives of us humans, which has killed all of our civilization. Chivalry and altruism, as he gave us an example of larly Homo spiens, where he said: If we men do not have anything in our lives to live for, then we have nothing to live for.

The author’s interpretation of civilized human behavior is that it is based on logic, not on emotion, such as making a decision to eat at a certain hour, as this has nothing to do with hunger, but rather in programming the mind to be hungry at the appropriate time, the family’s decision and enthusiasm in gathering the coming members on Christmas Day. It has nothing to do with love, but rather in programming the mind and the routine followed on this day every year. Our behaviors are not driven by free will, but by the mind, but feelings always come from the subconscious mind.

Humanity turned away from its natural path thousands of years ago, when we were able to submit legally, and humanity’s view of violence and bullying seemed natural, tinged with a background anxiety wrapped in the guilt that we feel as eyewitnesses, and what is most painful is that we ignore the source of our pain.

We must understand the importance of social connection and its role in ending our pain, so that we can develop human status by understanding our human being better. We need a natural lifestyle, in which relationships function without effort or cost.

As for language, the development of our linguistic skills is what gave the opportunity to exchange ideas and fears about difference and fears for the future. Since the development of humanity gave us this ability, we began to think, and this thinking began to control our personalities, as we subjected our behavior to the rule of systems to achieve idealism, but no one noticed this change, because it was in our consciousness.

The biggest mistake, in the writer’s opinion, is our decision to control the future, which led us to love money instead of loving each other, and we lost our way in the future we imagine, not in the reality we live in. (The culturally imposed breach) is a harsh judgment on cultures, but we are forced to use it, because it expresses... Deeply psychological, this means that our culture is the problem, and it is not our fault, so there is hope for healing and restoring our natural way of life.
In the writer's opinion, natural life is not rule, but survival, and it is free from right or wrong, moral or immoral. They do not have sacred or moral books, yet you see them organized with the natural order of the universe, so we now need to help our children to realize that What is essential in life is invisible to the eye, as Fred Royers said: We know the reason for the existence of arms and legs, because it is easy to see the benefits of using them, but feelings are a completely different thing, which can only be seen by experienced people, and they play a decisive role in every aspect. One of the aspects of human life and human existence is that we live by adopting systems whose only concern is appearances.

Self-discipline leads to spiritual suppression, and this makes us always feel pain and our constant denial of this pain, and this is what the Buddhists called suffering, and in the midst of our constant attempts to pursue the future, we find ourselves little by little separated from our souls, and we find ourselves in the end panting after false promises of the future. Evidence of this is the saying of Jesus (Take care of each other now, and let the future take care of itself).

There are some times when our humanity shines sometimes, only in times of chaos such as hurricanes and earthquakes, and that is a temporary condition, after which our souls are disrupted, and conscious minds return to controlling us again, but as long as there are souls that return to life again, then... there is hope

In the writer’s opinion, primitive people did not have education, universities, or scientific research, but rather they learned from experiences, and love was the basic element that enabled them to live in a state of balance with the natural world, whether this love was romantic, fraternal, or maternal, and in the book (Don’t Sleep There Snakes (by Daniel Everett) The inability to transform the primitive Pirahã people, into Chris Titani after thirty years of trying, and the Nous people as well, who live deep in the Brazilian forests. They are peoples who still live like their ancients and their failure to undergo transformation was evidence of their satisfaction with being spiritual, and this is what made them They do not suffer from any pain, so they do not need the Jesuit mission
The writer distinguished himself in saying that artificial intelligence has played the role of human intelligence in our present time, and in turn it has blocked our genetic wisdom, and with it we can run across the seas even though we are still blind.
The writer raised the problem of non-verbal communication and its organizational impact in maintaining social order among spiritually free individuals. He said that culture deprives us to a large extent of meaningful non-verbal communication, and as a result we live in a spiritual vacuum, and we always suffer from a feeling of lack of accomplishment? The emptiness of our spiritual homes, and Joseph Compell supported his theory by saying that we as humans live without experiencing a meaningful life, and our search for meaning is limited to our imagination, so we spend most of our time in contemplation.

As for the Corona virus, the writer referred to Elyse Isopo, a care nurse at the University Hospital in New York during the Corona crisis, where she said that retirees are volunteering by the thousands, putting their lives at risk to serve, and this, in the writer’s opinion, is that our buried emotions push us to respond and that our innate wisdom and teamwork have awakened our natural spiritual bonds. And reclaiming our sensitivity and fears toward each other, author Brene Brown on CBS' 60 Minutes said: We are biologically and neurologically wired to be in contact with other people.

personal opinion

For me, I had real pleasure reading this book. The title took me from the beginning. There was information and facts worthy of thought, scrutiny, and skepticism at the same time. It is not an easy thing to live an entire life while following a path known to all of humanity. Then comes a book that changes the equation! A controversial book with a convincing style and practical evidence

However, there are some points that must be highlighted regarding the writer’s repetition of the state of schizophrenia between our desires and our beliefs, where the writer resorts to presenting evidence, all of which revolves around the same meaning.

As for spelling errors, I did not notice many errors, because I was drawn to the book’s propositions

I missed mentioning the writer’s repeated comparison of humans to animals kept in cages, and his repeated mention of the many advantages of the difference between the natural system of life and the civilized system of life.

In the end, we humans realize that each individual has his own unique experience in this life, which depends on his experiences, upbringing, environmental provisions, and society alike.

Best regards

Hala Ayashi
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So why is (i)this phrase right here(/i) not appearing in italics?
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How would I bold text on Android it's not working.
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this book is amazing and i highly recommend reading it very useful and interesting
Muhammad Hunain 1
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Post by Muhammad Hunain 1 »

I'm really getting confused over how to bolden or make my text italic. Do I press any of the buttons above. That is, the 'B' or 'I' buttons
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Pal Ple
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"Blood Summer 1862" refers to a period during the American Civil War when several major battles took place, including the Second Battle of Bull Run (or Second Manassas), the Battle of Antietam (also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg), and the Battle of Fredericksburg. These battles resulted in heavy casualties and marked significant turning points in the war.
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Abi Griffiths wrote: 17 May 2024, 00:15 So why is (i)this phrase right here(/i) not appearing in italics?
@Abi Griffiths , try using the i within square brackets "" "" rather than using the round ones (i)(/i). It should work. Hope this helps.
Blueberry Dragon
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Muhammad Hunain 1 wrote: 21 May 2024, 01:06 I'm really getting confused over how to bolden or make my text italic. Do I press any of the buttons above. That is, the 'B' or 'I' buttons
@Muhammad Hunain 1 Yes, that is one way of doing it. Go to Full Editor mode at the bottom, select the text you want to make bold or italics, then click on the "B" and/ or "I" buttons as needed. Hope this helps.
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