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Posted: 28 Jan 2023, 17:00
by Melissa Best
Grand library, I'd love to own the books for my perusal

Book marks always, hate to damage books

Bookstagram, I like aesthetic pictures of the covers

Mystery/Thriller, it's just that much more exciting

Book hand-me-down because I can get the person's opinion on it

Reading on a yacht in the French Rivera so I can hear the water and silence better

E-Reader, I zone out when I listen

Book reviews, getting a book doesn't mean as much as giving thoughts on it

Cursive with pen and paper, it's a lost artform

Short Story, because a tale can still be told

Reading by the window as it rains with the fire crackling, warm and cozy :)

Award-winners, popular reads are good for a reason

Stand-alone, less of a time investment

Classics, similar to the award-winners, they're classic for a good reason :)


Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 14:04
by Nora Eliana
1. Definitely a grand library! I recently saw a photo of a man who had over 70000 books in his house and the attic walls and the ceiling were completely stacked. A dream!

2. Bookmarks! I'm one of those people who like their books to remain pristine, I don't mind other people dog-earing pages tho, to each their own (although I do love to dramatically gasp when I hear someone say they do it)

3. difficult, can I choose option number three and go for booktube?

4. Mystery/Thriller. I am currently really in the mood for crime and mystery stories, gruesome or cosy, I don't mind.

5. difficult but if I have to decide: antique book stores

6. beach amalfi coast I think?

7. Audiobooks. I recently had some health issues and couldn't physically read so audiobooks really helped!

8. Book reviews

9. love both! But cursive with pen and paper if I really do have to choose

10. Poetry. There are very few short stories I enjoy, although I do have read some incredible ones!

11. Definitely reading by the window as it rains with the fire crackling. No competition!

12. niche picks

13. series! although it does depend on the genre. But fantasy (my main genre), def series. Standalones tend to feel too rushed to me

14. Contemporary, but I do love analysing some classics. But for everyday reading: contemporary


Posted: 08 Jun 2023, 18:12
by Angie Fernandez
A grand library in your dream house OR a small shelf and a library card?
A grand library in my dream house, of course!

Dog-earing books OR using book marks?
Book marks only : )

Bookstagram OR Book Twitter?

Romance OR Mystery/Thriller?

Antique book shops OR book hand-me-down?
Antique book shops

Reading on a yacht in the French Rivera OR reading on the beach on the Amalfi Coast?
Reading on the beach on the Amalfi Coast

E-Reader OR audiobook?

Book hauls OR book reviews?
Book hauls

Cursive with pen and paper OR typewriter?

Poetry OR Short Story?
Short Story

Reading by the window as it rains with the fire crackling OR summer reading in the garden to the sound of birds?
Reading by the window as it rains with the fire

Award-winners OR niche picks?

Series OR stand-alone?

Classics OR Contemporary?


Posted: 24 Sep 2023, 19:40
by Sparrave
1) The small shelf because the library might be overwhelming for me.
2) Bookmarks
3) Bookstagram because I like visuals.
4) Mystery/Thriller any time
5) Book hand-me-down?
6)The beach definitely.
7) E-Reader because I’ve never tried an audiobook.
8)Book reviews since I like knowing what to expect.
9) Typewriter
10) Short story for me.
11)The window scene sounds perfect.
13) Stand-alone
14) Contemporary


Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 15:17
by Aroona Kashif
1) a grand library

2) using book marks

3) book twitter

4) romance

5) antique book shops

6) amalfi coast, and i can say i’ve done this!

7) e-reader

8) book hauls

9) cursive

10) poetry

11) by the window and fire as it’s raining. I don’t like it when the sun shines onto my page 😭

12) award-winners, but i read others too

13) stand-alones

14) contemporary, but classics are a good step away once in a while