Is "The Message?" cynical?

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Is "The Message?" cynical?

Post by Scott »

[This is a discussion about the June 2015 book of the month, "The Message?" by Avam Hale.]

Do you think the Avam Hale paints a very cynical portrait of our real world using his story?

I would describe the story as anti-politics in a way. However, I do think the real likable character Leah, and many of those who kindly help her, balance out the cynicism of the story. I think Hale's story demonstrates how easily messages and intents get lost and corrupted, and how politics and the desire for power corrupt both those and people, but at the heart of that concept of corruption is--thus--the feeling that there tends to be something worthy in each of us that can be corrupted; You cannot ruin poop. What do you think?
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Post by bookowlie »

Very insightful post. I agree the story gave more than a few digs at politics, particularly political operatives. It's so true that messages can get lost and corrupted once they are publicized. In a weird way, this story reminded me of innocent people who have quintuplets or become accidental heroes. Once their story is publicized, different people start swooping down from the media with their own agendas.
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Post by Nathrad Sheare »

I think the theme of God has been twisted and chopped up quite a bit over the centuries. Many unscriptural ideas have been accepted into popular culture as a result, and it makes what happens to the poor protagonist here all too imaginable.

Your post, Scott, is right on point. Appreciated reading it. ;)
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Post by zanderlyrose »

Yes I do. I think it is also an accurate portrayal on how so many would turn a message that says to not be self focused, and use ti to promote their own agendas.
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Post by Apruitt »

I think that the book is very cynical. I know that many of us get fed up with politic, but this book portrayed politics in general as the villain. I think that we have to have hope that things can get better. I would like to know more about this author to see what, if anything in his past gave him such a poor opinion of politicians. Then, again, if may have been nothing more than watching the nightly news (does that make me a cynic like Hale?)
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Post by Momlovesbooks »

I think Scott's post hit the nail on the head. When someone is thrust into the spotlight, the media begins to twist things to their benefit. Lots of people seem to have ulterior motives to the things they do, so it is refreshing to find someone who is truly a selfless person. I think I was drawn to Leah's honesty and innocence even though she had a checkered past and wasn't really "innocent" to the ways of the world.
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Post by cgoss74 »

I have mixed feelings on this. I am extremely dissatisfied with where our nation is headed politically and civilly but I don't believe it is all the politicians faults. As a nation, we elected them into office. We gave them the power to put us where we are today, we have chosen to stray from our religious convictions whatever they may be for us individually. I know not all of us believe in a God but most of us believe in some sort of something and we have given up on those beliefs as a nation. After 9/11 we were never more united as a nation than we were after that tragedy but we have all forgotten about what brought us together as a nation. It was a belief in something greater. We should strive to get back to that as a nation, God or whatever you choose to believe in can help do that. So cynical, no maybe more extreme than we currently are but not by far if we keep headed the way we are and do not find a way to unite as a common nation again.
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Post by Mntgrl1969 »

I feel the same as "momlovesbooks" about Leah's innocence and her ability to stay the course of her beliefs whether she was religious or not she did not let the "cynicism" of the world around her corrupt her true being. I enjoyed Leah and the people who truly helped her as opposed to those who lied as to who they were and there cynicism to just letting Leah spread her message.
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Post by powergirl »

I think this book is cynical because people are only interested by power ans even that there is God existing and being the zone who allow things happen to them.
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Post by Surabhi Rani »

The overall impression that the story gives is that of a generous worldview in our minds. Leah Warner's success in her mission to propagate the message of God and marriage are optimistic facts. I couldn't relate much to the death of the guard as well as her helper Gail, while serving her mission though! I feel doubtful about the victory of truth.
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Post by MsH2k »

We do live in a cynical world. I think there is a part of human nature that will always battle with the draw of corruption. I was glad that Leah’s character stayed true to delivering the message.
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