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Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 09 Feb 2024, 08:57
Can someone please confirm whether this sentence actually needs a comma as noted? I believe the sentence is correct without it and adding a comma breaks it up unnecessarily:
"Sandwiched between an overly-simplified beginning and an ending with perhaps too much anecdotal advice(,) is a genuinely helpful book for those who respond well to guidelines rather than a step-by-step manual."

Re: Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 09 Feb 2024, 10:20
by Shirley Ann Riddern Labzentis
I believe that it does not only need a comma but the word "this" added. "Sandwiched between an overly-simplified beginning and an ending with perhaps too much anecdotal advice, this is a genuinely helpful book for those who respond well to guidelines rather than a step-by-step manual."

Re: Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 14 Feb 2024, 15:06
by Ceildric
JYLLIANNE CZANSTKOWSKI wrote: 09 Feb 2024, 08:57 Can someone please confirm whether this sentence actually needs a comma as noted? I believe the sentence is correct without it and adding a comma breaks it up unnecessarily:
"Sandwiched between an overly-simplified beginning and an ending with perhaps too much anecdotal advice(,) is a genuinely helpful book for those who respond well to guidelines rather than a step-by-step manual."
I agree with you; that comma does not belong there.

I also would not take the other user's advice to include the word "this" in your sentence. That would make for a really unnatural-sounding turn of phrase, whereas your initial phrase is both natural and (as far as I know) grammatically correct.

Re: Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 16 Feb 2024, 14:41
by Diana Lowery
I think this is a sentence with a split verb phrase. The subject is book and is sandwiched is the predicate; therefore, the comma is wrong.

Re: Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 17:47
by Tobi Adefila
That statement doesn't need a comma.

Re: Odd comma placement- please advise

Posted: 01 Mar 2024, 17:16
by Claudia Angelucci
The sentence seems grammatically incorrect as it misses a subject. I would add a comma and include a subject, as Shirley suggested, like 'it' or 'this.'