Writing poems

This is the place for readers of poetry. Discuss poetry and literary art. You can also discuss music here, including lyrics. Also, you can discuss poets themselves, in addition to poetry.
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Writing poems

Post by Josie »

Sometimes a peom will just flow into my mind, and I write it (but usually type it) without any thought. Then, sometimes they need a bit of thinking about. Usually I just start the first line and get the rhythm and rhyme flowing, and the story develops on the paper. I try to give a flip to the last line, and like writing children's story poems. I always think that if you have to spend too long working at a poem, forget it. The very best are the ones that flow out of you. Certainly don't make heavy work of them, though some (such as sonnets or ballads) need special attention to the rhyming sequences or rhythm. It's just such fun writing poetry. Most of all, just enjoy it.
Laura Stamps
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Post by Laura Stamps »

I've been writing poetry for 18 years, and you're right...those poems that just flow right out of the subconscious like newly birthed babes are a gift. But they don't happen all the time.

Most poems are the kind that come to you in bits and pieces and are hammered into shape over time. Most poems for most poets take up to 60 edits to get them just right. And I think if you are a poet you have to LOVE editing, because you are going to spend most of your time doing that, even if you write free verse. With a poem every word has to be right, unlike prose where you can fudge a little. :D

I just put up a site for my published poetry. Check it out if you get a chance at http://www.PoetryBooksbyLauraStamps.blogspot.com/

Enjoy and happy writing!
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Post by Josie »

Thanks Laura for your reply. I have never asked others how many edits it takes them to get a poem right, and your reply was interesting. However, there must be some people who don't need 30 edits for their poems. I have, in the last year, just written 160-170 poems, most of which are for children to add to my other 50 poems that I wrote before. Some have been more difficult than others, and these are the ones where I have been given the subject, but usually, once I start on the first line and get my rhythm decided, I just continue to the end. I know this sounds mad, but I usually haven't planned the poem in any way, and yet the story comes. There have been, perhaps, about 10 which I have gone over several times to get the rhythm right in a particular place, but this doesn't happen very often. My problem now is this: My husband has made the poetry website, and there has been a lot of work for him because there are voice recordings and illustrations for the children too. Now, he tells me I should take up a new hobby, such as reading. ha ha. I don't think I will still be writing poems in 18 years time - well I am pretty certain I won't, but I have just started putting one or two other people's poems, which I like, on my guest page (not yet on the internet) - so I may ask you for a contribution. ha ha. You can see what work I have done over the last year here: http://www.whiteheadm.co.uk/html/josies_poetry.htm I don't want to make money from the poems, and just made the website at the request of local children. They said that my voice recording would help them as they are just learning to read. Words such as cough, bough, through and though, look alike but sound different, and having someone read the words as you read them on the page, is a great help in literacy. Now I find that overseas students (ESL students) are using the website a lot, and for the same reason.

Oh well - - - now, who can recommend a good book for me to READ?

PS Are you interested in reading an occasional poem on this website, and do any of you also like to read fun poems for children? More to the point, are there any other children's poets on this website? Josie
Laura Stamps
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Post by Laura Stamps »

Hi, Josie--

Very nice website! I can see why your husband said that...it took a lot of work, and he did a great job.

I read a few of your poems, and they wonderful. I'm sure children will love them. You have done a very good thing for these kids. :D
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Post by Laura Stamps »

Hi, Josie--

Very nice website! I can see why your husband said that...it took a lot of work, and he did a great job.

I read a few of your poems, and they wonderful. I'm sure children will love them. You have done a very good thing for these kids. :D
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Post by Josie »

It's really kind of you to say that. Yes, I worked hard writing so many new poems last year (170), but my husband has probably worked harder putting them onto the website, with the sound recordings and illustrations. I guess it is a gift to people, especially children, and we both enjoyed doing it. Your views mean a lot.
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Post by SugarCoated »

I don't know how many poems I've written but I do keep a list of them. I've written poems as they come normally I don't think of what to say but at times when i listen to music the words comes together and flows naturally. But yea there are some poems when you write that are like that but you have to be proud ot have them all written by you.
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Post by Josie »

What you have said is absolutely right, and you shold be proud, I agree. I would also agree that if you like writing with rhyme and rhythm (as I do), then you can easily write when you have a song tune in your mind. In fact, if you get the rhythm first, the words just flow along. Well said.
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Post by SugarCoated »

I would also agree that if you like writing with rhyme and rhythm (as I do), then you can easily write when you have a song tune in your mind. In fact, if you get the rhythm first, the words just flow along.
Yes I have written dozens of songs in that form. Because it's easier to write freely when you have a thought in your mind or a strong feeling in your heart. But I love writting songs hopefully one day I could be a singer songwriter in a group with two other people that's my dream. but I got a long way to go. I just got to push myself.:)
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Post by Josie »

I'm looking for someone who might like to write some music for some of my poems which could be songs. I have written a poem called "The Otley Victorian Day" and I can hear the music as I read it. It would be lovely for the brass bands to play to this song. I can write poetry, but not music.
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Post by angeleyes »

Have written lots of poems..ideas come to me
from a place I am at ,at the moment..
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