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Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 30 Jun 2022, 16:27
by Leasa Ana Maria
There is a very deep connection between my imagination and music, so every time my imagination is on, a specific melody that accompanies every thought or scene that I think about. Therefore, since I woke up until I go to sleep music is playing.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 15 Dec 2023, 00:50
by Ika Apro
At times it influences my mood a lot, but there are times when they just can't influence me.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 08:43
by Bron Bakers
Yes, it influences me emotionally. I like that because I think that that is the aim of any good song.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 29 Jan 2024, 08:24
by Hella Layot
"Indeed, the emotional resonance of music echoes within my digital realm. Notes carry a unique power to evoke feelings, shaping the tone of our interactions."

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 00:35
by Sandra Smith 18
Absolutely! Music is as diverse as the full range of human emotions, and it has the power to pull those emotions out of each individual.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 04 Feb 2024, 12:52
by Tobi Adefila
Yes for real, especially when I listen to gospel music with a low tone. An example is "Oceans" by Hillsong gives me goosebumps.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 20 Feb 2024, 09:07
by Sampaio
I really use music for my emotions because if I'm sad I listen to one type of music and if I'm happy another, or I can be happy listening to music from happy day to sad day.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 20 Feb 2024, 12:27
by Olusegun Gideon Alugbin
Music is a powerful tool to heal emotional wounds. So I believe music influences me emotionally. Emotion is a thing of feeling that results from hurt or pleasure. So whenever I listen to music that I love, I get relief many times. Even when I do the act of singing, I'm always filled with inspirations that give me a feeling of healing and helping people around me with it.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 28 Feb 2024, 08:07
by Lilian Namatsi
Yeah it does. To me music influences atmosphere or where I am. In this case if it is a sad or a joyful song it affects how I feel emotionally because I tend to relate to it.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 28 Feb 2024, 09:26
by Michael du Preez
As a professional pianist, the background music I play in the lobby at the Sandton Sun hotel, Johannesburg, consists mostly of stand-alone songs from popular jazz songs to opera pieces. Given that the majority of these pieces have words, I often find my audiences softly, sometimes silently, mouthing the words.
These words, trigger an amazing array of emotions from listeners. Most songs with words encapsulate a tiny slice, or moment of life, all revealed over a period of a few minutes. I've seen people in the audience dabbing their eyes, as I am playing a particular song or piece that touches them deeply.
Music has an emotional quality to it that brings to remembrance, some significant event or period in most of our lives.
Of course, as the performer I too, experience these emotions whilst playing.
Yes, most certainly, music influences you emotionally. Michael du Preez

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 03 Mar 2024, 14:19
by Aroona Kashif
so. much.
my mood can immediately turn horrible if i listen to too many sad songs so i try to avoid them 😭 like if i listen to songs that i used to listen to in a bad time of my life, even if they aren’t necessarily sad, they bring me down. but there are so many amazing songs that lift me up <3

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 11 Mar 2024, 07:07
by Anna Surdziel
It does. For me that is one of the main reasons why I listen to music.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 04 Apr 2024, 11:03
by Ambar Gill
Definitely! Music can make me feel sad, happy, motivated, heartbroken. Literally every emotion under the sun. Sometimes I wonder why music has such a big influence over us but I think it’s just cause we connect to some part of it, lyrics, sound, whatever, and I think that’s beautiful.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 09 Apr 2024, 01:10
by Silvia Sianto
Music is a very emotional art form. When I listen to opera singing, live, I not only get goosebumps. If the opera is tragic, I cry and cannot stop. I leave the opera hall as a panda. But this is individual, music does not touch many.

Re: Does music influences you emotionally?

Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 07:42
by Ludovica Peruzzi
I think it's more that it brings a lot of repressed stuff to light. If I'm having a great day then listening to a sad song won't ruin it for me, but if there's something I'm unconsciously repressing - and usually there is - music will bring it to the surface.