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Maternal Love

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 05:40
by Jacob
Just something I threw together a few months back, it's kind of set in dark and sad times and tricky sometimes.

Maternal Love:

When I see this,
I forget the maternal love for me,
When you stare me in the eyes..
And when I die from cancer you... forgive my very lies..
I lay my body down in the mud...
When they move... and twist.... and masturkate..

I move down the isle for all of cheerishness,
I begin to die...
My life is short and I forget to realise why I am living..
Blood dripping and mind spilling..

I say.... that's a day.

If you don't get it (which you probably don't.) Is when someone spends there life arguing and moaning when the person you love but argue with catches a disease and dies slowly... Your last words were "I hate you."

It's pretty sad I must say but yeah..

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 05:49
by Maud Fitch
Very moving. Sadly most of us live with regrets in one form or another.....

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 12:19
by Teesie

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:55
by Jacob
Teesie wrote:Wow.
A one word explaination?

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 00:03
by Teesie
I couldn't think of anything else to say. The poem was very interesting it made me think.

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 02:34
by Jacob
Teesie wrote:I couldn't think of anything else to say. The poem was very interesting it made me think.
Thought of another one and it just came to me:

Sweet, honorable, all together and I am in...
I suck up on angel hairs and take in leader steps..
Awarded child of the month and there is never going back..
Nothing... No being, inhuman..
And I will never climb straight back..

50 years later, the perfect life for me is never here..
Disgraced with my body and the entire human race...
A choice.. a choice... A choice I never made...

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 23:52
by Teesie
I like it.

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 03:16
by Jacob
Teesie wrote:I like it.
One came to me last night about hanging like we were discussing days ago, but I don't think anyone would find it in any way "enjoyable"

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 08:47
by Moore
This is the strongest feeling ever, which will exist for ever inspite of all troubles and harships.
The poem is touching and sad.

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 06:55
by Jacob
One that hit me yesterday:

All I know is the sun is shining yet we fight on through the night..
All the burgs are melting and the seas are rising..

I ask 'em why... I ask 'em why

All the greenlands are coming..
All the great is showing..

I ask it why... I ask it why

All the money is definitely flowing..
All the blood is definitely spurting..

I ask it why.. I ask it why!

All our love is just memory..
All of it is now in a cemetery..

I knew why.. I know why....

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 05:33
by Whitemore55
It is the main thing you are trying. Many of us have they are trying but they don't want to publish it they think what people will say. Best of luck with your poetry.

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 06:25
by Jacob
Whitemore55 wrote:It is the main thing you are trying. Many of us have they are trying but they don't want to publish it they think what people will say. Best of luck with your poetry.
I don't really want to become a poet, I'd say it's just a hobby. I like filming and the modern technology... (only to work on.)

Re: Maternal Love

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 10:47
by Akshi Porwal
Very emotional and moving.

Re: Maternal Love

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 00:48
by Nobuhle Nsele 1
Wow you nailed it...that "I Hate you" when It comes to the person you love the most you become so devastated

Re: Maternal Love

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 03:24
by AvishaJain_13
Love how raw and touching this is.