Official Interview: Tayma Tameem

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Official Interview: Tayma Tameem

Post by kandscreeley »


Today's Chat with Sarah features Tayma Tameem author of Mirrored Worlds.

To view the official review, click here.

To view the book on OBC bookshelves, click here.


1. How did you get started writing?

I’ve always wanted to write stories. Ever since I was a child I would write a little fan fiction to my favorite books. Of course, as I grew older, I started branching out, creating my own characters, and eventually decided to take the plunge into writing an entire novel of my own.

2. What was the first book that made you cry?

John Greene’s The Fault in Our Stars.

3. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Don’t give up on your dreams. You’ll meet a lot of people who tell you you’re not good enough. Don’t surround yourself with that kind of negativity.

4. Let's discuss your book Mirrored Worlds, a fantasy about an unmagical child and parallel worlds. What was your inspiration for the book or story line?

I’ve always been interested in new worlds, different dimensions, that sort of thing. I adore world building, and most of what I read took place in these fantastical worlds that mesmerized me. I wanted to create a kind of mesh between a world like that and our own, where both worlds are side by side and could affect each other if we’re not careful.

5. Tell us about your writing style. Do you outline or do you have more of a flow of consciousness and edit later?

Outlines usually come first, at least so I have some sort of blueprint to work off. But of course, it’s not set in stone, and while I write a lot of things can change. I do like to let the characters drive the story, but in the end, I need some sort of general idea of what is supposed to happen, or at least how it will all end.

6. Which character from the story would you most get along with and why?

Probably Battleaxe. We do have a lot in common when it comes to caring about the people around us while trying to appear strong on the outside. I know many would expect Lila to be my favorite, but if I were forced to choose, it would be Battleaxe.

7. This is the first in a series. Can you give us a glimpse into the next book?

Well, generally, the idea is to get the child to their world. The team is definitely going to be facing a lot of obstacles, the first of which is getting out of their prison. But I won’t go into too many details because I like surprises, and I have a pretty big one planned for Book 2.

8. Is there a key point that you want your readers to take away or is this purely fun?

I think every book speaks to each reader in a different way. Sure, there’s an overall message I’m trying to show, something important I want to highlight. If I’ve done that successfully, then that’s great. But if not, I do like the idea that everyone will take something away unique to their own experience while reading. So I don’t usually tell people what the message of a book is because I’d like readers to come to their own conclusions about that.

I like to end on fun questions.

9. What's the most difficult part of writing in general for you?

Time to write and edits. Doing a second draft and cutting through my story is hard. And finding the time write with everything going on in the world, with all the distractions, is not easy.

10. If you could spend a day with another popular author, who would it be and why?

I’d love to sit down with Tolkien, pick his brain, ask him questions about his whole world building process. I think I’d get some really insightful things from him.

11. What's your favorite snack or drink to have while writing?

Skittles. You can’t beat candy :)

12. What's your favorite season?

Winter. Summer’s a little too sticky for me. Snuggle up with a book and cocoa, that’s my thing.
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Thanks Tayma for sharing some of your thoughts and about yourself. Your books are unique and the storytelling, so intricately knitted it draws one in. Though I'm yet to read any of yours, the reviews always leave me drawn in. Keep following your dreams
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I I really loved the way the author seems To be a very motivated person and I really loved the advice she gave.
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Tayma Tameem, your entertaining and thought-provoking writing has become part of our consciousness. Thanks.
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Post by iammiape »

It's nice to know that you also like the idea of the existence of more than one world. I had read many books with similar setting, and incorporating such idea in a story is rather challenging and gripping. I hope I will be able to read your book "Mirrored Worlds."
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Post by Clare Jose »

I've only read two of Tayma Tameem's books, but even then, I really liked her stories. I'm glad I found this interview and could know more about her.
Thank you. :tiphat:
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Post by Jamina Alonto »

The book is amazing! Thankyou for the interview. 🥰
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