Official Interview: Jerry A. Greenberg

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Official Interview: Jerry A. Greenberg

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Jerry A. Greenberg author of Visiting with an Angel.

Official Review

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1. When did you start writing?

I got a Bachelor of Journalism degree and graduated in 1968 from the University of Texas. I have always loved writing and have written short stories for over 60 years, but I never did anything with them. Between 1995 and 2008, I followed my artistic abilities and made a living as an oil and pastel painter, but the economy fell apart in 2008, and I was out of the art business. Most of my work was commissions from large corporations and hospitals. This is when I switched over to writing in earnest.

2. Who has been most supportive in your writing journey?

I have a strong work ethic, and when I commit to a goal, I push myself toward accomplishment. No one else has been supportive.
3. For those that don't know, please provide a short synopsis of Visiting with an Angel.

Visiting With An Angel addresses the sense of separation from the world you grew up in. The main character has lost his sense of belonging to a community and is not sure he wants to remain alive by himself. A visit to his hometown's cemetery reacquaints him with all the people who had played a major part in his development as a person but are no longer around to be of help. He mentally revisits the past, connecting with his father and grandfather, but realizes that he is now alone.
A non-religious angel begins to visit him at night and engages him in soulful discussions about life. The angel encourages him to reengage with people, and he takes that advice, meeting a woman his age who shares his love of gardening. This woman has never been married but is happy by herself, encouraging him not to be so hard on himself. She invites him to meet others, and he goes with her to a gathering where he meets some fascinating people. He is most impressed with a philosophy professor and later spends time with him, discussing life and his situation.
A series of events makes him realize that he is the cause of his feelings of separation from others. He now would like to pursue a relationship with the woman but finds out that she isn't real but the physical manifestation of the angel. The lesson he has learned is that it's up to him to reengage with others to find the fulfillment he's searching for.
There is a surprise ending that I won't disclose here.

4. The main character is named Jerry, as are you. Is Jerry based on you?

Visiting with an Angel came from a lot of introspection about who I am and where I fit into the world. The idea is that a lot of who we are comes from the support and connection to the community we grow up in. As we age, that community is no longer there or available to offer encouragement, which can lead to a sense of being alone in the world. The story is based upon me, who is now at an age where the people I have grown up with have begun to die off.

5. Although this is a work of fiction, would you consider it to be self-help as well?

There is a relationship to self-help in this story. We are the ones who hold the keys to our happiness, but we can't be afraid to unlock those doors.

6. What central theme do you want readers to walk away with?

Your life is what you make of it. Live to the fullest potential and utilization of your talents.

7. What was the hardest part of the writing process? What was most rewarding?

The hardest part of the writing process is to get people to read your books. I get great reviews, but sales are terrible. Writing and painting are ways in which you expose yourself to the public. Sales are how you judge the acceptance of your work. I see myself writing for my pleasure and not so much for money.

8. What's in the works for you now?

I have just finished my 20th fiction novel. I'm stretching out to other themes. I've written about living your dreams, being all that you can be, humor, action stories, and psychological stories relating to handling the complexities of life. I've also written about never giving up on your dreams. I like irony and humor most of all, and my new book, You Never Know, is in that genre.

I like to end with some fun questions.

9. Would you rather be outside all day in the sun or not be able to go outside at all?

I love nature, but I'm very happy and satisfied with being in my studio painting or writing.

10. What's your favorite quote?

I don't have a favorite quote.

11. Do you like to drive in silence or prefer to have music or talking?

I drive in silence because my brain is always turned on.

12. What's your favorite book to read?

I read a lot of history. I'm a serious reader and probably read at least thirty-five books a year. By the time I graduated college, I had read 700 books.
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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Post by Chandelier Eden »

I would love to have a studio of my own one day. This interview is so serene, thank you for a beautiful one. I liked the author's sincerity and what he said about us holding the keys to our happiness and not being scared to open them.

Sometimes it can really be scary to open a door, hmmm. I hope we can all step out and be happy.
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