Follow-up Interview: Dorothy May Mercer

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Follow-up Interview: Dorothy May Mercer

Post by kandscreeley »


Good morning fellow book lovers. Today's Chat with Sarah features Dorothy May Mercer back again to discuss EMP Honeymoon which will be book of the month in December of 2019. Get your copies now, so you can be sure to join in the discussion!

To view the official review, click here.

To view the book on Amazon, click here.


1. In our last interview, we discussed that Mercer Publications & Ministries, Inc. actually started out as a music publishing company. So, how did you get your start in writing?

As a shy kid, I loved to read and write. Even though I learned to talk and perform in front of groups, it has always been easier for me to use my hands. For instance, as a music major, even though I learned all the instruments, my favorites were the guitar and piano, not the wind instruments.

When I place my fingers on a keyboard, whether a piano or a computer, feelings, thoughts and ideas pour out. After retiring as a performer, teacher and music minister, it was perfectly natural to focus more publicly on my writing. (Incidentally I still play the piano for Dave.)

2. You've stated previously that your husband Dave has been the biggest influence on you. Is there an author, editor, publisher, or perhaps even a fan that has made the most impact on your writing career?

When you start writing novels, after a long successful career in another field, your old insecurities return. You wonder can I do this? Can I write, not just one novel, but a whole series? Is this book any good? What will people think? And so, you study, do your best and then you brace yourself and put it out there on Amazon or other venue.

In music, when you play badly, people may applaud softly, but they don’t throw tomatoes. By contrast, when you publish, the inevitable anonymous soft reviews happen. Some creative writers cannot take it and give up. I was more fortunate.

Donna had moved away from our community, and so we lost touch, but she came across my first McBride series of police action novels. Bless her heart, in 2011, she posted a rave review on my first book. One comment propelled me forward and has stuck in my mind all these years, “You surprised the h___ out of me,” she wrote. “You can write, girl!” Donna purchased all five of that series and wrote a five-star review on each one. Since then, when bad reviews happen, I try to remember Donna.

I wonder whether people who write reviews on novels have any idea what a profound influence they have on the author’s career, whether good, bad, up or down.

3. In this interview, I'd like to discuss your book EMP Honeymoon. You gave us a bit of a synopsis in your last interview. How do the characters in this novel fit in with your other books (since we know you like to take minor characters and give them a major role in new books)?

Yes. Several of my books have done this, Fran and Max--the Bungalow, MaryBeth and Sammy--Rolling Thunder, Cynthia and Dan--Cyber War, Nate--the Search, and now EMP Honeymoon--Kelly and Tom—all have appeared in previous novels. The honeymooners were teenagers earlier. By the way, just because people were a couple in a previous book doesn’t mean they will end up together, which is partly what makes it fun and keeps you guessing.

While most of the reviews of Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War are very positive, some of the readers hate Air Force Major Sky Eastman. It’s true that he and Cynthia make a big blunder. Like your grownup children, once created, the characters, more or less, take over. And so, not all my heroes are perfect. You see, the people in my books come alive for me. I like to visit them again and see how they are doing. It is interesting to note that they are real for your readers, as well. I hope those folks can find it in their hearts to forgive Sky for his transgressions, because he gets promoted in the next book. Toward the end of EMP Honeymoon, Major Sky Eastman’s better qualities come out. He has an important command position and a share in trying to save the world.

4. In this novel, as in Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War, the book includes situations that could actually happen in our world today. North Korea once again makes a major appearance. Why North Korea?

Dave served in the US Army during the Korean war, for which, by the way, no treaty has been signed. For more than seventy years North Korea certainly has served in the unenviable position of being an enemy of my country, the United States, and so I write about it.

So far, my novels are not “Star Wars” type fantasies but are inspired by actual news stories. I am a news junkie. The weapon I write about in EMP was mentioned in an obscure news article. The speculation was that the nuclear nations, (of which N. Korea is one) are secretly working on such a weapon. Who else but Kim Jong Un would plot to use it against North America?

(Correction: I do not name North Korea in EMP Honeymoon, but the implication is that “the Homeland” could be that country and “DL--Dear Leader” is a caricature of you-know-who.)

Writing about current events has an inherent risk, in that, by the time your book comes out, the danger may have passed. Nevertheless some problems seem to go on forever as is the case with my McBride Series published in 2011. The issues of border security and immigration are hotter now than ever.

5. While Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War leaned a bit more towards the romance genre, EMP Honeymoon is more of an action/adventure. Would you agree with this assessment?

Yes, by word-count, it is more action/adventure than romance but the relationships are still important. They just aren’t as controversial. Hopefully, in this new book there is a clear distinction between the good guys and the bad guys. I think your readers will like the heroes and find the bad guys sometimes amusing. We’ll see.

6. Much of this book takes place in Honduras. Have you actually been there? If not, how did you do your research to make the book realistic?

I’ve been to Caribbean Islands many times, just not those belonging to Honduras.

In the news, North Korea has been test-launching intermediate-range ballistic missiles. It appears that they do not yet have an ICBM (intercontinental). Firstly, I researched online to learn about such missiles, their characteristics, range and capabilities, and then, I took out a globe and measured how far away they could be and still hit Kansas. It had to be on land, not the sea, because N. Korea does not have submarines capable of launching a missile. Obviously, it couldn’t be Canada, a country where such a secretive operation was unlikely. That left the south. We know what the situation is in Central America. Of all the C. Amer. countries within range, Hondurus sticks out into the Caribbean, a perfect place from which to launch.

I researched online reviews and details about the resorts on a Honduran island off the northeast shore so that my description of the hypothetical island would be close to the truth. I had to take some liberties, for instance, about the island’s name and the cell phone reception.

Also, I read about satellites, particularly the north/south low orbits and how that works. It’s complicated. I got out my globe more than once, rewrote my paragraphs again and again and read them aloud, trying to make it clear for the average reader, and not too technical. I hope people do not miss the point as it makes the ending a surprise.

7. You also have a series of books on how to publish Kindle books. Can you give us just a little advice for those out there wanting to self-publish?

You’re kidding, right? Out of my 20 “How to for You” books, just one little bit of advice? Well, okay, here are two-bits: Format first, and keep your day job.

(The How to For You series is cheap and covers every aspect, except how to make your book a million-dollar best-seller for less than $1,200,000. I’m still working on that.)

8. Your list of accomplishments is growing, so what's next?

Come on, Sarah, can’t I retire in peace? Well, I guess you’re right. The Lord won’t let me go, just yet. Here I am, in my eighties, and still working, not out of necessity, as I am truly blessed. It’s a compelling ministry with me, hence the name of my company, Mercer Publications & Ministries, Inc.

Although I love writing and will never stop, I do not write books purely for entertainment. They all have a hidden purpose, a moral to the story, a commentary, lesson, or bit of advice. You see, I can’t stop being a teacher and diaconal minister, but, in order to help other writer/publishers, I have to learn how to do it myself.
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Post by Dragonsend »

Thank you both for the interview. I have read one of your books and wonder why you don't make them more faith-based. Good luck on the rest of your writing career.
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Post by mtnlvr71 »

Hi Dragonseed, Am I allowed to reply here? Your question (re:faith) has made me wonder why you asked. Is this a message from God for me, as I have asked myself the same question. I have included many characters in my books who either show or discuss their faith or make remarks about same, as part of their everyday life. However, I haven't written books specifically designated for the Christian market.
My book, "Leon and Esther" probably comes the closest.
I wish we could discuss this more.
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Post by nicole-adrianne »

This was a very insightful interview! Learning about Dorothy helped me to understand EMP Honeymoon more fully. I wish her success and progress in her writing career!
* * *
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Post by Cwaganagwa Dorothy »

Thanks Kandscreeley and Sarah for the interview and Dorothy for letting us know a little about yourself. Its surprising to know that volunteer review impacts so much on authors. I shall keep that, while being careful and truthful through my writing. I have read the official review and looking forward to reading the story in totality. This shall enable me draw a conclusion about relationship between the countries you have mentioned.
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Post by mtnlvr71 »

Hi Cyson, I am so pleased to be able to reply to your note; as you may know, we authors are blocked from replying to reviews. Yes, I read them. Sometimes I want to applaud with joy, and other times cry with despair. (Sigh.) Nevertheless, I have learned a lot and appreciate the work that goes into each review. You can contact me via Facebook if you care to correspond. It might be fun.
Happy New Year,
Dorothy May Mercer
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Haha Mrs Mercer is a funny lady. " How to make your book a million-dollar best seller for less than $1.2M" :lol2:
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Post by mtnlvr71 »

Hi Nyasha; Thank you so much for your note! So nice to know that people are still reading. Congratulations on completing 2% of your goal of 45 books in 2022. But wait! Let's see, now, isn't that is only .9 of a book in 16 days? Tomorrow is a holiday. Better move it, girl!
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Post by Saalira Malik »

Thanks Kandscreeley and Sarah for the interview and Dorothy for letting us know a little about yourself . Congratulations on completing of your goal of 45 books in 2022 .
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Post by Eleni Antonopoulou »

I am definitely looking forward to reading EMP Honeymoon now! I have been putting it off for quite some time. Wonderful interview once again!
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I'm happy to know that my reviews help the authors to improve. I wish to read more books from Dorothy
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