Official Interview: Matrika Hay

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Official Interview: Matrika Hay

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Matrika Hay author of Not What Meets the Eye.

Official Review

Kindle edition (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

1. How did you get your start as a writer?

I've always been a writer since I was a kid. When the teachers would have us write short stories, complete with drawings, but I didn't think I could do anymore. Until a friend said I should write my ideas down and turn them into a book or screenplay.

2. What does your writing process look like?

Long. Depending on the type of genre I'm working on. The first thing is to really flush out the plot. Beginning to end. Some people write in order of events. Others just write what comes to them. I find I do a little of both. But I feel I find a better flow when I know what's happened in the prior chapters. A lot of rewrites and edits. For me especially, I have to overcome the challenges of dyslexia.

3. Let's discuss your book Not What Meets the Eye. Can you give us a quick synopsis?

The discovery of the Lost City of Shian has set into motion a chain of events that will forever shape and change the lives of Antosha Scarlett, Nathious Swanson, Tombask Wilshire and countless others. The world of archaeology will never be the same.

Antosha follows in the footsteps of her late parents, which has brought some unwanted dangerous attention by a group of assassins that threatens everything she holds dear. She is invited to help excavate the Lost City by the famed archaeologist Tombask Wilshire, but her journey there won't be as smooth as she'd hoped. She finds a friend in Nathious Swanson on the voyage, and although he had his own deep secrets, together they will try to survive. Will his skills and her magical abilities be enough to protect her from the dangers that lie ahead?

4. It looks like the book contains some archeology. How much research went into the book?

A fair amount of research. Though, I leaned heavily on my personal background when I studied paleontology when I was younger. And fortunately for me, I have a few friends in the field of archaeology that were kind enough to help me with some more updated technical details. And sometimes it just comes to you. For example, I was watching a show that spoke about the ancient Egyptians and a method they believe was one that allowed them to build the pyramids. That system was called a gin-pulley. Needless to say, even though I was finished with the final draft I immediately rewrote at least two chapters to include this device, and the research behind it was intense. It's not just knowing how to describe something, you have to fully understand how it works like a mechanic.

5. The reviewer praises the humor in the book. How did you find the balance between the humor and the action? Was it difficult to keep that balance?

I leaned heavily on my acting experiences and allowed the characters to guide that humor in their own way. Not everyone can be or should be serious all the time; where's the fun in that? For the action, I drew upon my stage combat experience having studied and choreographed many fight scenes for film and stage. It not only had to read well but be practical in real use.

6. Which of your characters do you most identify with and why?

There is a little of me in all the characters, I think. Antosha's struggle with not knowing much about her parents and having to constantly prove herself in a field that's commonly known to be ruled over by men. But there's also the deep drive to help and protect as Nathious does. The honor and devotion he shows pulls at my family's military background.

7. This is a pretty long book. What did you edit out of it?

I'm surprised at how long it is, since this is my shortest manuscript. I found I needed to add things in rather than edit them out.

8. What's next for you? Are you working on another book?

My second manuscript had been picked up by the same publisher, Olympia, and I hope in the next year or two that will hit the shelves. But I'm also currently working on at least six other stories.

I like to end with fun questions.

9. What one book would you have loved to have written?

I'm an avid lover of Sherlock Holmes. If I could have written that I would.

10. Do you Google yourself?

Honestly, yes. Most of the time it's to see if there's anything sneaky going on with my name.

11. What's your favorite place you've traveled to?

There's a beautiful place in Maine that I love. But I would like to go back to Hawaii.

12. What's the worst gift you've ever received?

The gift was so bad I don't even remember it. Ha. But I think getting a Barbie doll when I was into GI Joe.
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
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Post by Annette Boateng »

This is a fair interview though. However l am sure readers are looking forward to more stories. Awesome!!.
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