Official Interview: Scott B Delaney

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Official Interview: Scott B Delaney

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Scott B Delaney author of The Shaft.

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1. What do you do when you aren't writing?

I am fortunate to be President and CEO of a large generic pharmaceutical company which demands a ton of my time. When I am not busy managing Unichem, I try to find focused time to write. Looking forward to more lengthy and dependable writing time once I retire. I also love music and sports. To relax, I often play the piano. I sing with the Buck's County Choral Society (check us out online) and I play a lot of golf.

2. Tell us about your very first writing experience.

I have written a lot throughout the years, but mainly in a business setting. I challenged myself, around ten years ago, to start putting together a fiction thriller, which was my typical genre of choice. I figured if Stephen King can churn out that many books year after year, why can't I find the time and energy to create a legitimate thriller? Five years later, after many reboots and tons of redirects with respect to the plot and storyline, I told myself, "If you don't use the same focus you typically apply in business, a book will never come to fruition." At that point, I became an author and completed 'The Shaft' in about six months.

3. Let's discuss your book The Shaft. Can you give us a synopsis for those that may not know?

The book centers around questions of greed and morality in big business - pharma and banking, specifically. When a religious movement starts to threaten these institutions and their leaders, a secret society emerges that tries to stop this fast-growing, Christian-centered movement. I wrote this book to challenge our belief systems and to beg the question "Do we believe in angels and demons?" If the answer is yes, we believe, then how do they work within the context of our world? How do they communicate? How do they influence decision-making? Do they protect us? What are we called to do in this world? Recognizing that religion and faith can be tricky and polarizing topics, I intentionally avoided preachiness and focused my effort on bringing real-life situations and faith together in a rational, measured, and creative fictional storyline. 'The Shaft' is a wild rollercoaster ride that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat.

4. Is this a Christian fiction novel? Who would you say is the perfect audience for the book?

My writing crosses a couple of genres including mystery, suspense, thriller, angels and demons, Christian, Faith-based, etc... As mentioned before, I was careful not to make this a heavy theological diatribe. This is a fast-moving thriller that is intended to make people of all faiths and walks of life question their own belief system and what each of us is called to do in this crazy world. My writing style has been described as a mashup of Frank Peretti (This Present Darkness) and Gregory David Roberts (Shantaram). I feel honored by this description. My intention was to take the spiritual warfare theme of Frank Peretti's early works and bring them thirty years into the future. I pray that I gave his early work appropriate justice.

5. Do you identify with any of the characters?

I identify with both Andrew and Trevor in different ways. As a vocalist and a member of many choral organizations, I identify easily with Andrew's ministry. I have led worship for many years and love this extension of art and music. I found myself living vicariously through him during the writing of this book. With Trevor, I find a lot of his drive and commitment to friends and family to also be an important part of my life. I can only hope to live up to the standards set by these characters.

6. What was your favorite part of the writing process? What was your least favorite?

Favorite: Storyboarding. Putting together a comprehensive outline while dreaming up the storyline is always exciting.

Least Favorite: The editing and re-editing process. Arduous and time-consuming but worth every minute.

7. What do you want your readers to learn from this book?

I want readers to walk away with a solidified understanding of their faith and potentially a lot of questions for God, clergy, friends or family regarding this faith or the lack thereof. I want them to contemplate angels and demons and their impact on the world and our own lives. I also want readers to learn more about the settings where my books take place...South and Central Texas, Colorado, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Mumbai, Delhi, Roorkee...

8. What's next? Is there another book in the works?

One more left in 'The Global Calling' series. Working on it now. Looking to launch it in mid-2024. No spoilers at this point regarding the plot or countries involved...will be an epic finish.

I like to end with fun questions.

9. What's your favorite quote?

"Management is my Vocation. Coaching is my calling."

10. If you could have a meal with any one fictional character, who would it be and why?

Willy Wonka

Would love to recapture some of that whimsical child-like curiosity and wouldn't mind getting a tour of the factory.

11. What one question does no one ever ask you that you think is important to know and what's the answer to that question?

Why don't you write more mainline fiction instead of Christian fiction?

Answer: I believe we are called to leave a legacy that gives back to people and serves our God in ways that please him. If my writing impacts even just one person in a positive, faith-building way, it was all worth it.

That said, this is just the first writing project for me and I am confident that other non-fiction or mainline fiction is in my writing future.

12. Are you a cat or dog person?

Dog person, definitely. Favorite breed: West Highland White Terrier (Westie)
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Post by ScottDelaneyAuthor »

Thank you! Love working with online book club! Keep up the great work!
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Post by Boysan »

Awesome interview. I feel I relate to Scott’s story as I was in management for a few corporations, I was also active in my churches and I love sports and music. I’ve always questioned my faith in Christianity (The Bible) and at one point in my life, my faith in Buddhism (The Lotus Sutra).
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