Official Interview: Mitzi Perdue (Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless)

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Official Interview: Mitzi Perdue (Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless)

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Mitzi Perdue author of Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless, an upcoming book of the month. Grab your copy now so you can participate in the discussion.

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1. Tell us a little about your background.

I wanted to be a writer since childhood. I can remember the feeling of utter enchantment when, in second grade, I wrote a weekly series about the adventures of a chickadee. The enchantment part was that my teacher would read that week’s story to my classmates, and I got to see that people were entertained by and enjoyed what I wrote. I’ve been hooked ever since. Also, since age 12, I’ve kept a diary with the idea that just as a pianist needs to practice every day, I would practice writing every day.

2. What was the first book that really touched you?

I loved Black Beauty. I loved that words on a sheet of paper could magically bring you into a different world, one from a hundred years ago.

3. Let's discuss your book Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless. Why did you decide to write about the author of the Chicken Soup series?

Inspiration is one of the greatest gifts one person can give another: inspiration can uplift the discouraged and encourage others to think bigger than they ever thought before. Mark Victor Hansen provides inspiration on an unmatched scale. He went from bankrupt and suicidal to being in the Guinness Book of World Records for selling half a billion copies of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. I wanted to tell the story of how Mark learned from his collection of failures and how each one helped propel him to ever greater success. I also wanted to share the techniques and attitudes that Mark embodies so readers can become all they can be. In summary, I wrote this book to inspire people.

4. How long did it take you to do the research for this book?

Three months. I started the book the day before Christmas of 2021 and finished it by the end of March 2022. The research of interviewing people from Mark’s life (60 of them made it into the book) occurred while I was writing it. When I am researching and writing a book, it’s total immersion and 18-hour days. I don’t accept social engagements or even phone calls, and during that period, I’m a terrible friend and probably offend people right and left by being unavailable. Alas! I don’t want to offend people, but I’ve discovered, while writing the 27 books that I’ve written, that total immersion is what works for me. And then I get to be sociable again when the book is done.

5. Being that the subject of the book wrote the Chicken Soup series, did this book turn out to be similar to the series?

It’s similar in some ways since the Chicken Soup series is about redemptive, encouraging stories. Mark’s story is redemptive and encouraging. It’s different because it’s me looking at Mark Victor Hansen through my own lens, as someone who’s been fascinated by high-achieving people. My father was Co-Founder and President of the Sheraton Hotel Chain and brought the company from no employees to 20,000 at the time of his death. My late husband, Frank Perdue, brought his chicken company from no employees to 20,000 at the time of his death. (Both men accomplished this unusual feat, and what a coincidence that it was the same number in both cases.) I’ve witnessed up close and personal some of the traits of successful people, including how they bounce back from failure.

6. What surprised you most about Mark Victor Hansen?

I was gobsmacked by the following: when I had finished the book, I sent it to him, wanting him to check for accuracy, such as for instance, did I get a date wrong. It’s typical of the subjects of any writing to want to slant things and change things. Mark didn’t ask me to change so much as a comma, even though there were negative things about him. I thought that was the mark of an unusually mature and secure individual.

7. What's the most important lesson you learned while writing?

The title of the book was the biggest thing I learned from writing Relentless. Mark was relentless. He had Olympic-level persistence. Who else but he and Jack Canfield could endure 143 rejections of their book Chicken Soup for the Soul? I’m learning to up my relentlessness game!

8. What's next for you? Is there another book in the works?

I’d love to write another biography, but I don’t have one in mind yet.

I like to end with fun questions.

9. Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

I like them all, but my first choice is audiobooks. It’s so great to have something mind-expanding when washing the dishes or doing things that would otherwise be dull.

10. What one literary character would you want to meet and why?

I would love to meet The Patrician from Terry Pratchett’s Disk World. He seems like the wisest of men….oh, and he’s single, and I would dearly like to run off with him.

11. What is your favorite word and why?

Courage. As many have said, “It’s the Queen of all Virtues because it makes all the others possible.”

12. How do you relax?

I love to try different kinds of tea. I took a 12-hour online course for tea tasting, and I love trying different kinds of teas and recording what I think of them. I’ve finally found a hobby that isn’t illegal, immoral, fattening, addictive, expensive or socially looked down on! I think the online tea companies have to love me because I’m constantly trying different kinds.
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Post by Fredrick Felix Mnjala Maneno »

I really enjoyed reading the book. I do online marketing and sometimes getting people to even open your emails or just follow a link can be quite tasking. It really helped me get out of my comfort zone and sell myself. Getting more aggressive and getting in people's faces time and again really was not my style. I still don't do it but I have known when I can push harder. Thanks for the book Mitzi.
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Post by wanda putri »

feel the same with the author loved read a book who can bring me to another world its really amazing and addict for sure
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Post by Ella Mae De Castro »

This book is very enjoyable because it has a lot of lessons and words of wisdom to teach to every individual that would want to read it. It has a lot of inspirational messages that could give encouragement to the readers.
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Inspiration is truly a great gift because we experience a lot of failures in our lives to the point where we lose the momentum to go after whatever we want. All it takes is a single person, a book, or whatever else to reignite that momentum and inspire a person to push through the failures and fight to achieve success. I find it remarkable that Mitzi Perdue wrote this book in such a short time yet interviewed so many people and did so much research.
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This book is my favorite so far. It changes the way I see the world. I love inspirational book that can help me to be a better version of myself.
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Post by Marsha Hicklin »

I felt the book was very inspirational. A great reminder to think of failures as opportunities. I did think the book was a bit long, however, I thought each of the chapters where worth reading.
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Post by Nthabiseng Emely »

The book was very inspiring long but it was worth it
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Post by Maria Diana Jane Leona »

The books is inspirational. I used marketing for my smal business. Sometimes I have failure but I dont wanna think that..Be positive always and read some magazines that resourceful
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My big dream post one book
Last edited by Nicole Tembe on 15 Aug 2022, 08:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by finchloe121 »

That's Very Inspirable.
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Post by Eriikeoluwa Nimi »

I celebrate Mitzi Perdue for her ability to fuel her passion since childhood till now. This is the first time I'll be meeting someone who has had passion for writing since childhood. Unlike me, I grew my passion at my teenage and it was some sort of loneliness that fueled the passion
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Post by Kelvin mwenda 4 »

It is interesting
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Post by Mimi Frawley »

Tea! Now that I hadn't thought of turning into a hobby. Book will go on my ‘to read’ shelf - sounds worthwhile.
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Post by Sarail »

Can i review your book
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