Official Interview: Aleese Hughes

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Official Interview: Aleese Hughes

Post by kandscreeley »

Today's Chat with Sarah features Aleese Hughes author of Inspector Mage.

Official Review

Kindle Edition (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

1. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I don't remember learning how to read--my mom says I have always had an affinity for it. Before I started kindergarten, I searched my mom's bookshelves and found Harry Potter. I read the first book that night and immediately knew I would be a writer someday.

2. What book or books influenced you most?

My answer to the first question answers this pretty well. Still, in addition to Harry Potter, some books that influenced my life are books by Brandon Sanderson and the Percy Jackson series (to name a couple).

3. Let's discuss your book Inspector Mage. Can you give us a brief synopsis?

Inspector Mage follows a former inspector, Russell, with a unique, magical Gift that allows him to solve crimes better than others. It also follows a young woman, Julie, who has spent her life pretending she has magical abilities when she doesn't. The two of them become an unlikely pair once Julie's brother-in-law is murdered at her engagement party. But Julie quickly learns she isn't the only one with a burning secret.

4. How did the book start? An idea? An outline? A character?

Inspector Mage came out of my love for both the murder mystery and fantasy genres. I have always wanted to combine the two. I started with one character in mind: A destitute, alcoholic detective famous for solving crimes committed by magical people. After lots of tweaking and brainstorming, Inspector Mage came to light.

5. The book is categorized as young adult, but the reviewer thought it would be more appropriate as new adult. How would you categorize it? Who do you think would enjoy the book most?

I had difficulty deciding what age group I should categorize the book. The characters are older, Julie in her 20s and Russell 30, but I felt it could be thoroughly enjoyed by young adults who could relate to Julie's "coming of age" story. She lived most of her life shutting herself away from society, so she didn't have the opportunity to grow up in the way she needed to--at least not yet. But I think anyone who likes murder mysteries with a touch of fantasy and romance would enjoy Inspector Mage.

6. The reviewer mentions that the book is a murder mystery with magic and mages. How did you combine these?

I combined the fantasy and mystery genres by doing one thing: I created a world where most people had a magical ability--magical abilities that could be used creatively to commit or even solve crimes. The world I created is similar to 1920s America, so I asked myself this: how would the industrial revolution progress during that time if mages and magic existed? What would the police force be like? Trying to create parallels with the 1920s era and my magic system made for a good setting for a murder mystery.

7. Which character do you relate most to and why?

I relate most to Julie. She is very anxious and likes everything to be a certain way. Every time I write a book, I try to include elements of what it's like to have a mental illness. As someone who has struggled with severe depression, anxiety, and OCD, I wanted to add a little more depth to Julie and how she acts by giving her similar struggles.

8. Are you planning a sequel? What's next for you?

The second book to the Inspector Mage story comes out on Christmas Eve, 2022! So, just over a month away! The series will end after book three, which should come out a year or two in the future. I plan to continue writing. I have written and published almost a dozen books and have many more in the works. And Inspector Mage has proven to be a fun, fulfilling part of my writing journey.

I like to end with some fun questions.

9. Describe your writing environment.

My writing environment is very simple: I have my own home office away from my kids. I always have a cold drink (usually a Diet Coke) and blast some Lord of the Rings music (or similar music) in my AirPods. Then I get to work!

10. Has any hugely popular novel left you thinking you could write it better?

I don't think I could write it better, but once I read the Selection series, I found myself wishing I had written it first!

11. What's an essential part of your daily routine?

Every night before I go to bed, I plan out the next day, hour by hour--including what times I will work on my current writing projects. I'm very list oriented and like to have my days organized on paper. It helps me stay productive.

12. Would you rather be caught in a rainstorm with no jacket or umbrella or be stuck inside on the perfect weather day?

I would much rather be caught out in the rain with no jacket or umbrella--at least I could make an adventure out of that.
A book is a dream you hold in your hands.
—Neil Gaiman
Hillary Obigwa
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Post by Hillary Obigwa »

Take the the book sit and analyze read and really read the output of the book will it you there
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