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Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 10:51
by CzechTigg
I really don't enjoy the phone, as I have a sometimes quite monotonous voice. Whereas in person, my body language and facial expressions allow me to relax and talk more interestingly.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 12:40
by zoelaurynn
I definitely agree that strengths and weaknesses can be one in the same. My self confidence, for example, can be either a strength or a weakness depending on the situation.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 00:13
by CCtheBrave
I agree with you all that strengths and weaknesses are connected, and I think the trick is recognizing when you go too far in one direction and are no longer able to focus on the other side. take confidence and timidity, for example. It's great to find strength in your confidence, but it's also important to have a bit of humility and recognize your shortcomings, otherwise you'll become cocky and arrogant. I think people sort of have to find a balancing point or be willing to work on both qualities that seem to be at two ends of a spectrum. just food for thought...

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 16:48
by HorrorFan87
I think it's absolutely possible! As I read the lists my mind went back to the questions you are asked at a job interview. "What is your strongest quality?" "What is your weakest quality?" For me, usually, the answers are one and the same. I think that everything we have - each trait that makes us who we are - has a pro and a con. In a different post, I mentioned that I worked at Walmart. One of my qualities is that the customer is always right and I will do anything to help them out. On one hand, it's a great quality. It means I'm willing to provide good customer service. On the other hand though, it isn't always appreciated and I find myself asking whether or not doing anything to help someone out is actually worth it. It makes you a bit of a pushover, and people definitely began to see that in me. Not an easy thing to think about. The fact that Mr. Newbery lists his strengths and weaknesses is really humbling and it definitely got the cogs in my mind to start turning about the more philosophical issues that something so simple as a list can actually hold.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 11 Aug 2016, 10:54
by fari30
I think this is such an interesting point and it reflects to be true for me. One of my biggest strengths in being a leader, being able to make people see my point and view even if they don't agree with me. However, one of my biggest weaknesses is that I hate attention and when I'm trying to prove a point and suddenly realise how much attention I have on me, I freeze up and get self-conscious and it's just terrible.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 25 Jun 2018, 14:50
by Majaliwa Abiba Alice
Wow...interesting. I have often thought that the two were isolated concepts and there was a fine line between strength and weaknesses. Now, I feel that this is a new way of looking at it. :eusa-think:

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 07:48
by WardahEbrahim
I see this too. Characteristics and human nature factors are best in moderation, but often our qualities are a bit overpowering. Like someone who is generous - this is a good quality. But these people are often taken advantage of. My quality is that I am tenacious - which is good. But I've gotten to a point where I'm too much so, and I work too hard and it becomes aimless, its like a blind tenacity.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 07:35
by dorebri2020
I do find that weaknesses can be reflected in one's strengths. I have found in multiple examples that my perfectionism (weakness) can drive me to accomplish more and in higher quality. Therefore, I am able to transform my weakness into my strengths, and I feel like that is applicable to multiple circumstances.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 10:33
by Wambui-nj
This is a eye opening concept and would totally agree with his ideology. One's weakest point or traits always, almost ,turns to be their greatest strength if worked on.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 14:50
by Washboard
I think all traits could be seen as either a strength or a weakness, depending on the context. My trusting personality is a strength in healthy relationships (friendship, co-workers, romantic, or anything else), but a weakness in toxic ones.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 14:18
by Florence Nalianya
For sure I think this is true. It's when you are weak that you find strength. Its fact of life that I can't contradict.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 05:41
by Lila Randhawa
I was surprised to find his list of strengths and weaknesses the same, I couldn't believe it in the beginning. But, after careful consideration it makes sense that strengths and weaknesses are two sides of the same coin. I think, moderation is the key - too much of something might not produce the desired effect.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 30 Aug 2019, 08:22
by LyorBoone
When I saw this scene, it kind of made me think of a scene from The Office where Michael Scott did the same thing but tried to play it off as an accident. Yet, the confidence that Jorge Newbery projects, works. Plus, He alters a few of his 10 points when he goes from strengths to weaknesses. And in looking at his points, I get the theme of taking a change and risk trusting others. It's a strength when you find the right person, but it's weakness if you rarely find someone worth giving the chance too.

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 11:47
by Kishor Rao
Yes. I was so puzzled when I read it but the concept itself was so unique and when I actually reflected upon it, I have the same list for my strengths and weaknesses as well

Re: Strengths and Weaknesses

Posted: 20 Oct 2019, 15:31
by HeatherEi
I thought his lists were very clever and very true. I think one of my strengths and weaknesses is that I am too optimistic. If I have a goal or need to take a risk, I am too optimistic about the outcome.