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Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 17:55
by saturday+deviant
Paliden wrote:I understand that in a time travel book we are already in the realm of the unbelievable but still, this scene was over the top for me.
Not only did I find it a bit over the top, the fact that it was one of multiple obstacles that kept getting piled on made me feel resigned to him getting shot. I figured it was either him getting shot, or Suzanne getting shot or getting bitten by some animal out of the blue. Cody getting shot was to be expected by that point in the book.

Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 07 Feb 2016, 12:28
by bluemel4
One part of me was relieved that they were ok. The other part rolled its eyes and thought it was ridiculous. I kept hoping that they somehow made it to the future through a tunnel and that was where the light was coming from. I thought this makes sense... Of course the seasons don't match up in the future and the past so they are walking into the future where it is warm. I was wrong. It was magical. They were healed. It did not work for me.

Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 08:58
by Kaitlyn12
At first I thought this scene was kind of weird. I didn't really know what was going on, but I just decided that I would just go with it. The book itself strange enough, but add this scene in and it didn't really matter, I guess. It just went right along with the oddness that was already there.

Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 10:00
by V_bansal2912
Though I loved the time travel theme...the gun shot scene kind of was a let down. It felt very out of place.

Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 02:48
by SharisseEM
Miracles happen in stories but this scene just feels rather...thrown in there even for a time travel book. It didn't help that it seemed rushed.

Re: The bullet wound scene - spoilers

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 19:21
by mommyreadsbooks
I agree that it was not much different than the time travel aspect. Also during the scene that Cody becomes delirious so to speak from I am assuming the pain and the cold, all of a sudden there was heat.