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Choices (The Butterfly Effect)

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 00:17
by Heathernross26
Many times while I was reading this book, which is beautifully written, I often thought that choices we make have an effect on not just ourselves, but anyone. Juliet was a victim of everyone elses cruelty. How many Juliets do you know? If you had to relive the same day and the outcome was always the same until you realized that it wasn't you that needed saving but someone else, would you sacrifice your life? It is unfortunate that she couldn't see the errors in her ways until it meant death for her.

Re: Choices (The Butterfly Effect)

Posted: 20 Jun 2017, 09:27
by kislany
I haven't read this book yet, but I have just read and watched The Butterfly Effect, so this post caught my attention. I love this idea of trying to change the past to fix something as often as you can, without actually knowing the results of your actions each time.

However if you realize that it's not you that needs to change, but the other person, I guess the point would be moot? I mean if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you will get the same result over and over again...

Off to check out Before I Fall, it seems like a book I'd like to read real soon.

Re: Choices (The Butterfly Effect)

Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 09:54
by AmySmiles
That's a hard question. I would like to think that I would do the right thing if it came down to it. I enjoy life and want to live it, but I could sacrifice my life for someone if I felt like they would accomplish good in their life.

Re: Choices (The Butterfly Effect)

Posted: 10 Sep 2021, 01:16
by Clare Jose
This is a message I've seen in different places. The smallest things we say or do can have great impacts in our lives and in others. I personally feel that there could not have been a different outcome for Sam. I think the cycles she lived through was there just so she could make a difference and realise her mistakes.

" If you had to relive the same day and the outcome was always the same until you realized that it wasn't you that needed saving but someone else, would you sacrifice your life? "
Yes. If it changed nothing about my outcome I would rather go out making a positive difference in someone's life than have a pointless end.

Re: Choices (The Butterfly Effect)

Posted: 07 Jan 2023, 06:30
by Krishi Shah
We often don't think about the consequences of our words and actions, but such pieces of art remind us to be mindful and kind.