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Re: The Family

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 21:17
by Sheila Gehlmann
Both crew members and their families had to be strong and endured extreme anxiety and stress. I think it's especially important for the families to be strong, because they have to go on with life no matter what happens. Waiting for news about the men seems like an eternity, and it must have been very difficult to carry on with every day life. The feelings of helplessness would be difficult to endure.

The crew members at war had to be strong for themselves and their families because the families were dependent on them coming home alive. They also needed strength to go into battle every day, knowing they may not come back alive.

Re: The Family

Posted: 26 Dec 2022, 04:59
by Abdul-Malik Hassan
I think both sides have to be strong since they're fulfilling different roles; sacrifice and service. It takes a lot of courage to accept the inevitable. But it is also clear to note that each reason has its purpose.