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Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 17:24
by Francis Kapola
The incorporation of fables alongside profound non-fiction insights promises a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I'm particularly intrigued by the emphasis on mastering Effortless Theory through words, feelings, and actions.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 17:27
by tarafarah7
Today's BOTD is a self-help book that teaches readers about Effortless Theory through a combination of fiction and nonfiction. Those interested in improving their overall outlook and living a carefree life of success and abundance will enjoy this read. Thanks so much! :-)

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 17:38
by azza lia
A self-help book that shows us a practical way to enhance our life. From the review the material in this book is useful and well-presented. I think I'm more curious about the fables, tho. I guess this worth a try. Thank you for your honest review.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 17:46
by Rafael Lopez 5
In this world full of cruelty a novel heart is needed.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 17:56
by Jennifer Coxon
I’m not sure what to make of this book from the excerpt. I enjoyed the piece about the alien who was able to live the person’s life effortlessly because he had no fear of past failures. I got a little lost at the first graphic novel section though.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:00
by Seamstress
Unfortunately, after I tried a philosophy course at university, the subject turned out to not be my cup of tea completely. I had to drop it then, and to this day, I am not tempted to give it another chance. Therefore, no offense, but I will have to skip this book.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:01
by Runan
The author discusses 'Theory of Masterful effortless'. He shares his thoughts that the universe is non-judgmental, honours bravery, and is always giving in nature. The author highlights the importance of holding optimistic views to accomplish goals. This is a great self-book, and the illustrations are fun. You've made some great points in your review.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:07
by Martina Sette
This book offers valuable insights and practical wisdom for a carefree life. The author's emphasis on the power of words, feelings, and actions, along with relatable stories, makes this a beneficial read. Its transformative content makes it a valuable resource for personal growth. A very interesting book!

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:16
by Nemanja Jankovic
"Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling is a combination of fiction and reality. Through the book, the author analyzes the Theory of Masterful Effortless, especially its five laws and their application in practice. The book is unique, interesting, and professionally edited.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:28
by Chinazo Anozie
A combination of fiction and nonfiction is definitely a unique way of writing. It's interesting to know what fables the author used to pass his point. However, I'm not sure my interest is piqued enough to check out this book, so I'll be skipping it.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:47
by Daniel Roa
I have always believed that nature (that's my word for 'universe') has a much simpler way of accomplishing things than our way as humans. Most of us definitely need to simplify our approach to a happier life. According to this review, this book can really help us achieve that. As I once read, the rock that is not able to draw a straight line in the sand, makes perfect circles in the water, without effort... I want to read this book. Thanks for the excelent review

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:48
by todwyer01
From a sampling, this seems like an interesting self-help book designed to help the reader live an abundant and productive life. It might be worth a second look. Well done.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:52
by Surabhi Rani
'Official Review: Philosophy from the Mud' by Erik Quisling states the interesting features of the fable for avid readers. It gives the readers an idea of what to expect from the book. A noteworthy point is that the book's stories will cause us to reflect on what we just read and its deeper meaning. Also, as mentioned in the review, this self-help book can improve a person's outlook for the better, and many people will find it valuable. Learning that the author's work is filled with quotations from well-known figures was great!

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 18:57
by Deborah Belanger
"Philosophy from the Mud" by Erik Quisling sounds like an interesting read from your insightful review. The book aims to guide readers in applying the five laws of Effortless Theory for a carefree life, focusing on co-creation, a judgment-free universe, boundless abundance, and honoring bravery. I had never heard of "Effortless Theory" before now but after reading your review I have decided to put it on my reading list as it sounds like it could teach me something new. Congratulations to the author for BOTD.

Re: Review of Philosophy from the Mud

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 19:51
by Chris Agbara
"Philosophy from the Mud" seamlessly blends fiction and non-fiction to deliver insightful wisdom on living abundantly. With a focus on the Theory of Masterful Effortless, it offers practical guidance for transforming words, feelings, and actions. A must-read for anyone seeking a more fulfilling life. 5/5 stars.