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Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 22:02
by AtomMud
Inuyasha is a go to for romance type anime even though I don't really care for those types of shows. Although most my picks are battle heavy they also contain lost of other story elements as well.

Samurai 7
Yuyu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Speed Grapher
Outlaw Star
Space dandy
Neon Eva Angelion
and Fooli Cooli

FLCL and Dandy are more goofy and over the top riduculous than any thing else

I could recomend like a zillion others like Tokyo Ghoul, The Devil is a part timer, and Samurai Champloo

but for some one who has not seen a lot of anime these 10 shows alone should give you more then enough to pick and choose from. There are like a zillion lists out there based solely on what is the best anime of all time. Most of them have Cowboy Bebop or Full Metal Alchemist ranked as the top show.....

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 01 May 2018, 14:40
by Vlinstry
I reccomend anything Studio Ghibli. They are all really good movies and some of them are just sweet little movies and others have some really good stories behind them.

Another Anime that I reccomend is "Wolf Children". Its such a beautiful movie and the story is so sweet yet powerful.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 01 May 2018, 22:03
by Cristal2408
For manga, I recommend looking for titles with the genres you like. For example, my go-to genre is shoujo, so I read mangas like "Akagami no Shirayukihime" or "Fruits Basket" or "High School Host Club". One of my favorites is "Gakuen Alice".

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 08 May 2018, 17:21
by Sariel88
For historical manga you could try:

Set in China warring states period. The main character aims to be a general.

Famous historical figures are transported to a medieval fantasyish land.

Since the above two are rather bloody and violent, here's a shoujo one

Ookami no Heika Hanayome
Female lead seeks a job with a high wage and ends up the contracted bride of the emperor who is rumored to be ruthless and heartless.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 10 May 2018, 14:35
by nikkyteewhy
I started with Akame ga kill. It was very nice I wish it had a sequel. Full metal alchemist is also very good.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 15 May 2018, 16:01
by Rumbly
Hmm here's a few which I think would be good to watch/read. They all have a manga/anime version.

Hakushaku to Yousei (Earl and Fairy) - This is based on a romantic historical light novel and has an anime/manga adaption where the main female protagonist can see fairies and meets the lead Edgar who is trying to find information about fairies

Rurouni Kenshin is a Bakumatsu era anime/manga featuring a samurai Kenshin. It has romance in it too.

Inuyasha - I haven't watched/read it but I love the music in the anime; definitely romance and historical.

Versaille no Bara is a historical shoujo romance. It's a pretty much older style anime/manga though.

Arslan Senki is a military historical Persian set anime based off a light novel; I believe there isn't romance.

Amatsuki is a anime/manga where high school boys wind up in the ancient Japan.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 07 Jun 2018, 16:45
by palilogy
Hmmmm historical romance...

1. Rurouni Kenshin (I cosplayed as him when I was a little girl, nobody knew who I was trick or treating as) Samurais, swords, romance, history, overall one of my favorite animes - you can also read the manga.
2. Grave of the Fireflies (Now that I think about it not much romance, but brother and sister platonic love that will bring you to tears). Very historical though following the fire bombing of Japan during WW2.
3. A Bride's Story (manga) This is an amazing read about young women during the 19th Century about the relationships and daily lives in Central Asia.

Otherwise I've always meant to try Fushigi Yuugi : Celestial Warrior and Love Plot.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 14 Jun 2018, 07:16
by meljaguilar_
For those people who were curious about a manga and anime then you should try to watch the Kaichou Maid Sama. It may seem a cliche genre for some of us, but this story will make you want to continue reading / watching it.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018, 13:29
by HGreenfield04
Yona of the Dawn was a pretty good anime and you continue on with the manga
Fushigi Yugi is older, the MC is transported into the past

My favorite Anime/manga of all time is Wallflower I die laughing. Five guys have to turn a socially awkward goth girl into a "lady." :lol2:

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 12:52
by Jezebelle84
I'm pretty late to this topic but if you're still looking for recommendations, I have a few. If you like romantic comedies I recommend Kamisama Kiss, Say I love You, and Fruits Basket. They all have anime and manga versions. I've watched the anime versions of all 3 several times and I still love them.
If you want something more mature and with violence, I recommend Darker Than Black, Berserk and Black Lagoon. Berserk has a long manga series that is still ongoing. Black Lagoon also has a manga series, but I think the author has stopped writing it. At least nothing has been published in English for a few years.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 22:10
by TopaAzul062
Jezebelle84 wrote: 04 Jul 2019, 12:52 I'm pretty late to this topic but if you're still looking for recommendations, I have a few. If you like romantic comedies I recommend Kamisama Kiss, Say I love You, and Fruits Basket. They all have anime and manga versions. I've watched the anime versions of all 3 several times and I still love them.
If you want something more mature and with violence, I recommend Darker Than Black, Berserk and Black Lagoon. Berserk has a long manga series that is still ongoing. Black Lagoon also has a manga series, but I think the author has stopped writing it. At least nothing has been published in English for a few years.
Kudos to Black Lagoon. Came across the series by accident while browsing YouTube; it's really good.

Manga Quick Reads: Alien 9 (3 books) + Alien 9 Emulators, Azumanga Daioh

Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) - read before watching anime, Dragonball series, Fullmetal Alchemist, Trigun Maximum, Ranma 1/2

Anime: Ghost in the Shell: SAC 1 & 2, Bleach, Samurai Champloo (good fights and funny moments), Trinity Blood, Eureka 7

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 09 Jul 2019, 21:53
by LinaMueller
Berserk is amazing. The anime is nice as well.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 23 Jul 2019, 20:26
by rubinelli
I'm not well versed in the romance genre, at least when it comes to anime/manga, but Ouran High School Host Club is a classic! I would also recommend Namaikizakari (I hope I spelled that right). Also, you should totally watch Death Parade. It's 12/10, not to mention that the OP is a bop!

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 15 Aug 2019, 13:54
by earprick
I second Fruits Basket. I recommend the manga, though the anime was recently remade.

Otherwise, I can recommend some light-hearted/non-battle based series for you!

Polar Bear Cafe is adorable. It's a bunch of animals (the main ones are a polar bear, a panda, and a penguin) hanging out at a cafe and doing their best.

Yuri!!! On Ice is about a figure skater trying to make a comeback, while also being coached by a legendary skater he deeply admires. It takes a few interesting turns! :wink: You don't need to know anything about ice skating to get invested, it's very character driven. Though the anime is also a passionate love letter to ice skating and very detailed.

Tsuritama is about fishing. It's very colorful, light-hearted and joyful. Even the theme song picks me right up! And again, no fishing knowledge required.

Re: Please advise a Manga and Anime virgin!

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 04:53
by Tavaiel26
I'll chime in and also recommend Rurouni Kenshin. It's a very well told story with a very good anime adaptation. I also recommend the OVAs. If you can get your hands on them, they show the protagonist's life before he became the person we know. They're gritty, humane and extremely well animated. Worth giving it a shot.

Two mangas I can recommend with ease are Otoyomegatari and Emma from Kaoru Mori. They're both historical romance manga (one set in the Silk Road and the other in Victorian England), I enjoyed them thoroughly.