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Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020, 22:28
by Pipercruz88
Then it has to be Harley Quinn. Being that smart, beautiful and crazy. Oh yeah all day

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 24 Sep 2020, 18:28
by Jaywill8400
Batman mostly but then Joker I love and certain members of the bat-family such as Nightwing and Tim Drake:Red Robin

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 21 Oct 2020, 12:06
by glubglub200
My favorite is Joker. I'm into a lot of villains and he's just one of the top villainous characters. Plus his official backstory isn't definite.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 21 Oct 2020, 12:15
by MichelleR92
Superman is definitely one of my favorite DC characters. I love how he blends in by being Clark Kent and tries to be human. He is definitely a strong character with multiple layers and emotions which make him in my opinion one of the strongest DC characters. Even with his super strength and other powers.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 09:29
by Jennir4
Superman is my favorite. Because he's is from a cool alien planet with superpowers like💪 , lasers eyes. How cool is that!!!

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 15:54
by Shaye-mills3
Wonder Woman is my all time favorite DC character.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 12:36
by Maddie Atkinson
My favourite superhero is definitely the Flash because I like how he has a childish sense of humour which makes light of darker situations. My favourite villain is Riddler, especially in terms of the show Gotham because I just love the way he was portrayed in that, but I also really like scarecrow because I love the way that he plays on people's fears. I just love DC because it's not owned by Disney so they are allowed to make things so much darker!

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 04:08
by MattieB12
I personally have a thing for Victor Freeze he's very misunderstood and is just trying to find a cute for his wife. I also love that he will do anything for his wife to be healthy it's kind of romantic in a weird way.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 23:55
by PeterRabitt20
I prefer Marvel comics myself. But my favorite DC characters would be Batman and Aquaman. Batman doesn't actually have a superpower, but he has cool gadgets. Aquaman, well he can talk of sea creatures, can't beat that!

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 19 Dec 2020, 17:32
by Amanibad24
Batman no powers just wealth, technology and skill

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 12:55
by Wesusa
Batman, without a doubt. DC always had what I believed to be the more creative characters. They often have the greatest stories, and for this reason I have always preferred DC even when the movies aren't on par with Marvel.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 16:28
by Naaya123
I have this horrible belief of Joker and Harley being destined to be together. I mean, Harley definitely deserves a whole lot better than Joker, but unfortunately, my heart just doesn't want to listen. I love them both. I also quite like Wonder Woman. When it comes to her, I not only love her, but also find her background extremely intriguing.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 12 Mar 2021, 20:44
by Eddy254
My favorite dc character has to be death stroke💀,,

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 13:04
by CozyReader-123
Favorite DC character? I would differentiate my answer depending on the medium. Is it from the comics themselves or from TV/Movies?
From a comic standpoint, I love the iterations through the years of Batman. I think the creators give a good indication of who Bruce Wayne is and how his trauma informs all his decisions and choices, more or less.
From purely TV perspective, I loved the portrayal of Oliver Queen on Arrow, definitely one of the best live actions portrayals of the Emerald Archer. His character progression was iconic from the pilot all the way to the end. Even though Oliver's end was dictated by outside factors, other than his own story.

Re: Favorite DC character?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 09:20
by Liefvirannebelle
Wonder Women! Man i could use The Laso of Truth.