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Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 06:12
by Bradley Shelvie
[Following is an official review of "Sonora Pass" by Jaime Olmos.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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Jonathan, Tony, Esteban, Claude, Armand, and Celia are the Jabberwocky Band members. They had performed together for a long time; Jonathan has been playing the sax, Tony the drums, Esteban the keyboard, Claude the jazz guitar, Armand the bass, and Celia had been the singer in the group. With the addition of two other members, Rodrigo (a drummer) and Raul (a bassist), they throw their college friends a Jabberwocky reunion party. Celia had been having a relationship with Rodrigo, but she had begun hitting on Esteban. During the party, Celia is murdered.

Meanwhile, Cumpukore Company has allegedly stolen the Tridex Air Traffic Control Software owned by Candix Company, a software that was to be tested by Esteban before the murder. Jonathan, being an undercover private investigator, is contracted by Candix to investigate the theft of the software. He is also contracted by Celia's friends to investigate her murder (in which Esteban is being blamed as the prime suspect). Will he manage to unravel both mysteries? Who killed Celia, and is her murder a crime of passion? Read Sonora Pass by Jaime Olmos, a comic book.

This is the first graphic novel I've read, and it has made me fall in love with comics. I loved most aspects of this book, and I found it difficult and challenging to choose the one which I loved the most. I loved the book in its entirety, but I can narrow the enjoyment to the interesting story it narrates. The author manages to tell two stories at once without compromising either—the stories include that of the mystery of the murder of Celia at the Jabberwocky Band reunion party and the probe into the theft of Candix's Air Traffic Control Software by Cumpukore. It was thrilling to follow the stories to the end.

The mystery is also on another level, considering it is intertwined with well-sustained suspense and tension. I made several guesses to try and solve some of the mysteries as I read, and I got some correct and went completely off in some. For example, I initially thought Rodrigo was Celia's murderer because of how suspiciously he behaved by strongly blaming Esteban and because he had been in a relationship with Celia and he was seemingly overly jealous of Celia's relationship with Esteban. It came as a shock that it wasn't as I had thought and neither was Esteban the murderer—the cause of the murder was something unlikely to happen, something from Celia's past.

I may not be able to list everything I liked due to the word limit and for the sake of the review's brevity. However, I can summarize the comic as an amazing, well-written book with an amazing narration that kept me on the edge of my seat to the last page. It is a masterpiece of perfect narration at its core.

However, the book has a few errors, but it seems professionally edited. It has a profane word and a slightly erotic scene, so it isn't an age-appropriate book for younger audiences. Weighing all these factors, the book deserves a 4 out of 4. I found nothing negative about it, so there's no reason to deduct a star.

I recommend the book to those who like graphic novels or comics that are inclined to romance and crime mystery.

Sonora Pass
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Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 01:56
by Umesh Bhatt
As per this review the book definitely has some great suspense and thrill inside its pages and the review is making me to go to read this book. Nice review.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 14:00
by Aisha Yakub
I like the use of suspense in this book. Thank you for a great feedback.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 15:44
by Amiczy Heaven
Two stories in one and telling it well, must be nice. The first story seem a little plain, but I like the second story.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 03:46
by Eva brook
It looks like the book is keeping the reader involved and always triggered. Very nice and helpful review.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 08:04
by Adaeze Joan
I have never read a graphic novel before, so I guess I would give this one a try. It seems quite interesting. Thanks for your honest review.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 08:53
by John Owen
This review has made me want to read this book badly. It seems an intriguing book judging from the summary of this review.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 07 Feb 2022, 21:03
by Ronnie Comendador 1
The book deserves 4 out of 4 stars! however, it has a few errors but it was an amazing well written book..thanks for the nice review..

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 08 Feb 2022, 21:02
by Janelydia Mwangi
Just like a movie's production part that can fail it or make it so is a book. The review clarifies that the narration is chronological hence making it a book to read as it has the needed quality.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 14 Feb 2022, 15:01
by Edet Joy
Sonora pass is specially and gracefully brilliant with the author who did seamlessly well

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 24 Feb 2022, 04:04
by Mildred Echesa
I don't like books with vulgar language so I'll pass on reading this

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 05:37
by The Holy Grail
Mystery and crime at its core judging from your review. I'd like this on my shelf.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 10:18
by Essy moonlight11
I'm really curious to know if he solved the mysteries. I definitely know he did because that how mystery books are. Nice review anyway.

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 22 Jun 2022, 17:31
by Azubike Richard
I don't like this book because I found a lot of errors in it while reading. Nonetheless it is an interesting book

Re: Review of Sonora Pass

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 06:52
by Oluwasogo Familusi
Interesting review! Seems there are a lot of twists and mysteries to solve. I'm curious to know the cause of Celia's murder.